Page 79 of The Devil's Vice

“He’s not going anywhere,” Callum hisses, sending a pointed look at the one cowering before me. “Not until you get the message.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I ignore Callum entirely as I address the brute from before. “It doesn’t look like you’re ready to die.”

“Fuck you,” he growls, his shit-colored eyes narrowing. “You’re not gonna do shit.”

In a flash, I pull the gun from my waist and press it between his ugly brown circles. Screams of terror bounce off the walls as a few of the girls realize what’s happening, scattering like roaches under a lamp as the panic spreads.

“You should have moved when I asked.”


The lifeless body slumps to the floor at the same time I jump back, narrowly missing the dagger meant to connect with my heart. Before the Serpent has time to recover, I whirl the barrel toward his chest and fire off two more rounds, killing him instantly.

“Get the fuck off me!” Callum roars, kicking at a terrified brunette clinging to his leg. “Useless fucking cunt!”

Using his distraction to my advantage, I point the gun at his head, taking careful aim so as not to hit the girl by accident.


My shot arcs to the left as something knocks into my arm, sending the bullet between the eyes of the sandy-haired recruit from earlier. Time seems to slow down as the life drains from the young boy’s eyes. The circle on his forehead, once a symbol of allegiance, now outlines the bullet hole like a perfect red target. His body keels backward, hitting the floor with a sickeningly hollow thud.

Not realizing the brevity of what’s happened, two of his friends rush over and grab his shoulders, trying to shake him awake. That is, until they see the bullet hole. Sobs fill my head, and as I watch the two young boys mourn their friend, my chest rings with an emotion I haven’t felt in some time.


I spin on my heels, ready to kill whichever one of Callum’s groupies made me harm an innocent. And my heart stops as I meet the icy blues of John Wallace. The man who took me in, healed my wounds after my broken body was dumped on his doorstep all those years ago.

His face crumples as he reads the emotion in my gaze, but he refuses to speak.

Traitor. Vicious, vile traitor.

I look over his shoulder toward the bathroom, knowing I’ve wasted enough time already. I try one last time to shrug out of his grip, desperate to get to Lillith. He holds firm and widens his stance, that look on his face telling me he’s willing to do everything in his power to stop me from getting to his office. From getting to Lillith.

Kill. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill.

That door in my mind flies open. Only this time, I welcome the madness. Let the rage and malice simmer in my veins, boil me from the inside until all I am and belong to is the fire.

I turn toward the man I once considered my leader—my friend—and look him dead in the eyes as I aim the tip of the barrel at his treacherous heart.

And my mind quiets as I squeeze the trigger.




My eyes jerk toward the door, knowing the sound of a gun going off even if it’s muffled by the thick oak door. The man stalking toward me bares his teeth in a snarl, seemingly unconcerned by whatever is happening in the main room.

“You’re even prettier up close, you know that, doll?” he coos, stopping a few feet away from me. “I get why Kain kept you holed up for so long.” Now that he’s closer, I recognize him as one of the guys following Callum around all night. Tatum, I think?

“Get the fuck away from her, pissant!” Carlotta screams, fighting against Tatum’s equally terrifying friend. Her nail manages to catch the side of his face, and he lets out a hiss as blood oozes from the wound.

“Fucking bitch,” he mutters, ramming the heel of his hand against Carlotta’s temple. She goes out like a light, and he lets out a grunt as the full weight of her body falls on his shoulders.

Another muffled shot sounds, and this time, Tatum’s eyes shift to the door. “The fuck is going on out there…”

“Probably Carnage giving Kain what he deserves.” Tatum’s friend shrugs his burly shoulders. “I wouldn’t worry about it, man.”