Page 53 of The Devil's Vice

“How about we all play nice?” Callum sneers. “I’d hate to get brains all over Onyx’s freshly painted walls.”

“As you wish,” I say, swinging my arm to the side so it’s pointed at Callum. Beady, hateful black eyes narrow behind a mop of unruly brown waves, the scar I gave him all those years ago still pulling at the corner of his lip as he sneers at me.

“We both know you’re not going to shoot, Kain. Put down the gun.” He sighs tiredly, but I see the way the veins bulge in his forearm. He’s nervous.

“Ladies first,” I growl, gesturing to his waist with the tip of the steel barrel.

Callum rolls his eyes but still shoves it into the holster at his hip. “There. Better now?”

“Not even fucking close,” I whisper, tightening my finger ever so slightly. He deserves to die. All of them do.

“Put the gun down, Kain.” John claps a hand on my shoulder. I wheel around, keeping my finger locked in position as I turn it on him.

“Make me,” I hiss, waggling it between his eyes. “Or are you not the brutal man you’re so desperate for everyone to see you as?” It’s the most I’ve spoken all night, and everyone stays deadly silent, afraid to move an inch as I hold the life of the leader of the Hellfyre Club in my hands. Another minute goes by before I sigh, dropping the weapon to my side. “I’m not going to kill you, John.”

But you’re going to wish I did.

I turn and stomp out of the office without another word, the nervous whispers barely registering in my mind. Fuck Onyx, fuck Callum, fuck this whole club.

I shake my head as I push open the heavy oak door, stepping into the clear night air. My thoughts are a mess, and the quarter of absinthe I chugged isn’t making things easier, but one thing rings true through it all. Leaving Lillith tonight was a mistake. I can’t think straight knowing she’s lying there naked in my bed, her beautiful body curled between the sheets, cloaking her in my scent.

I pound my fist on the seat of my bike. She’s so close, yet still so far from my reach, and it’s driving me fucking insane. I need her. Even if it’s just to hold her against me and feel her pulse beating beneath my palms. I have to know she’s real, that she’s finally mine.

From some dark corner of my mind, a door splinters, letting out every deranged, vile thing locked inside over the years. There’s nothing I can do—no way to close a door that ceases to exist—and I know I’ve lost. The voice merges with mine, throws that veil of shadows and madness over mine. And then there are words, repeating over and over. They fill my head with madness and violence and desire until they’re the only words I possess. And still, they repeat.

She’s mine, just as you are.







"Here you go. Since you wanted to be with them so badly."

A scream tears from my throat as he throws my body across the alley, my scalp screaming from where he gripped my hair moments ago. I expect to meet the harsh grit of the concrete, but instead, my body comes into contact with something soft and wet. So very, very wet.

And cold. Ice cold.

I look down at my arms—at the sticky dark substance coating my exposed skin—and I scream.

Red. Everything is red. My arms, my face, my parents’ bodies lying beneath me. It's all red, red, red.

"Come here, you little bitch," that cold voice snarls. I barely have time to register it before those same hands are gripping my scalp and hauling me off my parents.

"Kneel. I want you to look at them."

I don't know what else he expects me to do. I can't move, can't take my eyes away from them—from all the horrible, horrible red.

My knees scream as the gravel digs into my skin, but I barely register the pain. It's so faint—barely a whisper as something clicks behind my head.

"I'm going to fucking enjoy this—"