Page 22 of The Devil's Vice

“It’s fine,” I murmur, trying to wriggle farther toward the passenger door to put some distance between my leg and Sam’s fingers. In truth, the fight and blood hadn’t really bothered me all that much. The real problem is the paranoia that has taken over me, slowly choking me from the inside. Like I’ve done something bad, and my dark, scarred angel is watching, waiting for the moment to exact his revenge.

I might actually be going insane.

“Lilly? Did you hear what I said?”

I snap my head back toward Sam with an awkward smile, trying to remember what he was saying. “Uh, sorry. I must have zoned out there for a second. You were saying?”

For a split second, his eyes flash with irritation, but he continues without protest.

“Now where was I… Oh yeah! So me and Mark are absolutely wasted at Casa Tequila, and Mark—fucking Mark—he decides he needs to take a shit, right? So I say, “Mark buddy, just go back to the hotel room and do your business.” But Mark’s a fucking animal. He’s taken so many shots, he doesn’t know his dick from his pinky toe, and he kind of stumbles outside to the fountain, takes down his drawers, and takes a full-on dump in front of this bachelorette party doing a photo shoot! Can you fucking believe it?”

Sam waits patiently for my response, but I’m so busy wishing for a quick and speedy death that I don’t notice until he coughs to regain my attention.

“Uh, sorry,” I mutter, trying to remember something from his story to comment on and coming up short. “That was… really funny, Sam.”

Thankfully, that’s all he really needs from me. Grinning from ear to ear, he launches into another story involving his good friend Matt—or maybe it was Mark. I can’t really remember, nor do I care to. Instead, I stare straight ahead, watching the road as Sam prattles on, making sure to nod every few seconds so he doesn’t know I’m drowning his voice out. We’ve been in this car for over an hour navigating traffic, and if I have to listen to one more of his stories, I will leap from the moving vehicle.

“And then—okay, this part you really won’t believe—she and her friend give my boy their digits.” Sam laughs as the car rolls to a stop outside my apartment building.

Thank the fucking lord.

“I mean, can you believe that? I told you he’s a fucking beast.”

I stare at Sam blankly, not quite having the strength to point out that his “boy” probably got the numbers to a fast-food chain, and those girls definitely giggled about how stupid he was later.

“That’s nice.” I smile at him and discreetly reach for the door handle. “Well, this was really fun, Sam. I’ll see you at work tomorrow?” I shove the door open, getting one of my legs out onto the pavement before Sam grips my arm and hauls me back into the car.

“Going so soon?” he coos into my ear, brushing a large hand across my throat and settling over the top of my windpipe. My breath quickens as he holds gentle pressure, keeping me locked in place against his chest.

“Sam…what are you doing?” I whisper, shooting a nervous look around the empty streets.

“Shhh. I’m going to make you feel good,” he murmurs, sliding his other hand up my abdomen and cupping my breast. I wriggle against him in an attempt to get free, but all it does is provide more friction between me and his growing member at my back. His fingertips slide past the top of my bralette, and I freeze, my eyes going wide as he toys with my nipple.

“Sam, stop,” I order, bucking against him. “Stop. I’m serious.”

“It doesn’t seem like you’re serious,” Sam groans, pawing me roughly. “I know you want me, baby. Relax.”

The pet name that spews from his mouth has my fight instinct flaring, and I react without thinking. Reeling forward, I force my elbow back into his sternum as hard as I can, causing his hold on me to break as he chokes from the pain.

“What the fuck, Lilly?” he groans, falling backward and clutching the spot I struck. “I think you broke my fucking ribs.”

“I told you to stop. I think we’re even now.”

“Like hell we are,” he snarls, his ribs forgotten as he lunges toward me. His hand wraps around my arms, closing the distance between our faces. His hot breath fans my face, sending my stomach churning, and I have to force down the bile rising in my throat.

“I know you want this, you little tease,” he whispers, his eyes wild with lust. “Let me be the one to break that little pussy in.”

He leans in, and just before his lips connect with mine, a massive crash fills the cabin.

“What the fuck?” Sam yelps, his mouth wide as the glass flies around his head. A brick sails through the busted window, landing on Sam’s lap with a dull thud.

Using the distraction to my advantage, I leap from the car, not bothering to look back and check who threw the brick as I race across the cracked pavement toward my building. With trembling hands, I shove the key in and all but tear the door from its hinges as I wrench the thing open. Too scared to look back, I slam the door closed behind me and race up the stairs to the second floor, needing more than one barrier between me and the man I just assaulted.

Once I’m safely locked inside my apartment, I step over to the bed and slump face-first onto the mattress. I try to take a few deep breaths to calm my racing pulse, but it doesn’t help.

I groan, rolling over to my back to stare mindlessly at the ceiling. If I knew Sam was going to pull something so shitty, I never would have agreed to go out with him tonight. Although, can I really blame him for wanting more at the end of the date? I hadn’t exactly stopped his advances throughout the night. Maybe it was my fault, and I reacted too harshly.

A little voice in the back of my mind screams that I didn’t do enough, didn’t hurt him nearly enough, but I dutifully ignore it, letting my guilt consume me.