Page 21 of The Devil's Vice

She’s so fucking gorgeous, it hurts. Hurts to sit here and do nothing. To fight the urge.

I slam my bloodied fist on the counter, causing the bartender to fumble the pitcher in his hands. I crook my finger at him, and he eyes me dubiously but still makes his way over.

“I need another,” I growl, nodding my hoodie-clad head in the direction of the shattered remains.

“I’m pretty sure you’ve had enough, sir,” he deadpans, crooking an eyebrow at the puddle of crimson forming around my fist. “And I think you might need to go to the hospital,” he murmurs, leaning in closer to inspect the damage.

So close. Close enough to smell, to shove a dagger through that skeptical eye.

I rip my hood off and let the man get a nice long look at my masked features. His eyes go wide with recognition, and he stumbles back into the counter.

“I-I’m sorry, Kain. I had no idea! I’ll get you another right away!” he stammers.

I pull my hood back up as he busies himself over a new crystal glass, my gaze drawn toward the couple I’ve been watching for the past hour. The naive blond fuck could have taken Lillith anywhere, but he chose this shithole. To make matters worse, it’s Bike Nite at the Tipsy Phoenix, meaning the place is crawling with Serpents, Hounds, and the rest of the city’s vermin. Half the men in here have been ogling her, undressing her all night with their slobbering, lust-filled gazes, just waiting for their opportunity to pounce. It’s only a matter of time before something bad happens, and her date is either too stupid or too selfish to realize the kind of danger he’s put her in.

The bartender slides the glass over to me, and I briefly take my eyes off the black-haired beauty to reach for my wallet.

“No, no!” The man waves me off. “It’s on the house.”

I nod, then take the contents back in a single gulp. I make the mistake of looking over toward the pair just as he leans in, meaning to place his revolting mouth against hers.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!

I slam my fist down, every muscle in my body twitching with the need to rip his hands from his body. From my flower. Holding my head in my hands, I rake my fingernails through my hair and groan, my heart seconds away from exploding.

She’s mine! Mine, mine, mine!

An image of their bodies naked and entwined sparks behind my eyelids, and a howl of rage threatens to break free. I’ll die before I let that happen. Lillith belongs to me. And I don’t share my toys.

I stand from my barstool and stalk toward them before I have time to think better of it. I make it to the middle of the dance floor, so out of my mind that I forget my surroundings and knock directly into someone’s shoulder. I try to brush him off, but the stupid fuck actually grabs my arm and tries to yank me back toward him.

“Watch where you’re going, freak.” The man grunts, stumbling backward as I rip my arm from his grasp. Now that I have a good distance, I take a moment to size him up. He’s big, but I’ve taken down men twice his size with little resistance. He’ll be no exception.

Are you sure you want to do this? My eye conveys the message as I cock my head, using my elbow to push my leather jacket to the side, showcasing the piece strapped to my hip. One last warning.

The big man scoffs, doing the same to his own jacket to reveal his own weapon.

My gaze snaps toward the corner where Lillith and her date are still seated. I can’t risk him losing his head and firing into the crowd. Can’t risk her getting hurt.

I look at the man’s stance, his broad legs spread out to the side and his chest puffed in what most men think is intimidating. A shitty fighting stance.

Before he can blink, I crouch down low and barrel full speed toward him, shoving my fist into the crook of his kneecap until it pops, sending him crashing to the floor like a giant fallen tree. The back of his head hits the tile with a loud crack, and I use his moment of disorientation to straddle his chest. I swing my fist into the bridge of his nose, and it cracks before crimson fluid gushes down the front of his chest and neck.

“S-stop. Please,” he chokes, bucking his hips wildly in a desperate attempt to unseat me.

I strike without thought, giving the voice in my mind a body, a fist to bring the malice to life. When the fog of my anger clears, I realize a large crowd has formed around us. Several hands grab at my jacket, trying to pull me off the bloodied heap beneath me.

“Oh my God!” an angelic voice rings out clear across the packed space, making its way to my ears despite all the commotion around me. My arm freezes in midair as I bring my head up, watching as the big blond idiot grabs her by the arm and drags her toward the exit. Rage, more intense than I’ve ever felt, builds in my chest, and before I know it, I’m pushing off the floor in pursuit, forgetting about the man from earlier. I make it to the door just in time to see him shove her into his car, and I let out a furious roar as I pound my fist into the drywall, leaving a considerably sized hole in its wake.

“Motherfucker,” I snarl, nearly ripping the door from its hinges as I rush outside and down the steps toward my bike. I mount the beast and speed off in the direction of the car before I have time to consider how fucking reckless I’m being.

Right now, I need to take care of my flower.



“I’m really sorry, Lilly. I had no idea that would happen back there, I swear.”