Page 15 of The Devil's Vice

Even now, even when I’m positive his eye is the one I sense on the back of my head, I know I won’t tell anyone. More importantly, I know I won’t do anything to stop it.

It’s the worst realization I’ve had all week.



Restlessly, I move the binoculars from room to room until I find the person I’m looking for. My lip curls as she comes into my line of sight, and I dart my tongue out to wet my lips as I take in her tight little body. I have so many plans for Lillith, things she can’t dream up in her worst nightmares.

I just have to be patient.

My cock twitches in my jeans as Lillith swirls out of the women’s locker rooms, tightening the waistband around her baggy scrub pants. The circles under her light green eyes are even more intense than usual, and I can’t help but think it has something to do with the havoc I’ve wreaked in her life.

I reach down to adjust myself, but the friction from my hand only worsens the situation. Fully erect now, I cringe as the base of my cock rubs against my zipper. I have no choice but to free it. I hold my cock in my right hand and stroke the length slowly, never taking my eye off the black-haired beauty across the street.

The more you watch people, the more you realize how horrible humanity really is. Not Lillith Harper, though. No matter how long I observe her, that strange little innocence she carries herself with never wavers.

I hiss through my teeth as my cock throbs with the promise of release. Forcing my hand to release its grip, I zip my cock back into the confines of my pants, hoping the sharp pain will clear some of the screaming in my mind.

When that’s not enough, I tap out a thin line of Rebound onto the back of my hand, letting the stimulant do what I cannot. Once my mind quiets, I drag the binoculars back up and continue my watch.

The building opposite the hospital really is the perfect spot to spy on my new toy. The apartment I’ve set up shop in is vacant, seeing as my great-aunt Gladis is currently on a business trip in Europe. Ghost tells me she’ll be gone for the rest of the week, giving me plenty of time to finish my business.

I hadn’t seen or spoken to the rest of the Hellfyre clan since before I could walk, and I doubt we’ll be having any family get-togethers anytime soon. My father saw to that when he disgraced the family name and got us cut off from the wealthy moguls.

My lip curls in disgust as I take in the gaudy, cat-themed furnishings. Why someone would willingly purchase the items is beyond me, but I guess money makes people do some crazy fucking things. I turn my gaze away from a particularly disturbing painting of a tomcat in a raincoat and bring the pair of black binoculars up to my eyes.

Lillith looks around nervously before reaching into the plastic tub of lollipops on the nurse’s desk. After digging around for a few moments, her fingers curl around one of the last cherry red pops in the bin. She inspects her prize for a moment, a smile tugging prettily on her full pink lips. Glancing over her shoulder, she shoves it into her coat pocket, acting like nothing happened. She’s so sweet. So sure no one is watching her.

But I am, little flower. The devil is always watching.

I lose sight of her for a few minutes as she gets into the elevator but find her almost immediately when she steps out onto the surgical floor, her lips set in a morbid line. I think back to the way she smiled at that man earlier in the parking lot, and my blood boils with rage as intense as the moment I first laid eyes on the scene.

No one else is allowed to make my toy feel like that. Not anymore.

Keeping my eyes on the room, I reach into my pocket and pull my phone up to my ear. The line clicks, but the only thing that greets me is static.

“Ghost,” I greet, my fist tightening as a disembodied chuckle rings through the speakers. Everything’s a fucking joke to him. “Did you do it?”

“So impatient.” I clench my jaw at the amusement in his tone. “What do you think?” he asks.

“I think for all that money, it better be,” I growl, blinking away the image of her pretty white smile. “So is it? Or isn’t it?”

“Check your phone,” he deadpans, then ends the call.

Angrily, I thumb over to my messages and find that Ghost sent me a link during our call. I click it, and Lillith’s empty apartment comes into view. I touch the arrows on the side of the screen to flip through each of the different camera angles Ghost installed throughout her home, a satisfied hum growing in my chest.

After shoving my phone away, I reach up and peel away the thick black mask encasing the right side of my face. I let it slip from my fingertips, its soft thud barely audible over the loud pop of my jaw as I force the heel of my hand to the side. A searing pain builds behind my eyes, and I’m suddenly aware of the weight of the thick silver revolver strapped to my hip.

It would be so easy. So easy to put that barrel to the side of my temple. So easy to pull the trigger. To slip. To fall. Down. Down, down, down the rabbit hole.

My skin itching, I fish around in my jacket pocket, curling my fingertips around the small glass vial that lives there. Pinning the cork between my teeth, I pull the bottle open and tap out another purple line of its powdery contents onto the back of my hand. Dark spots line my vision as the ache crests, and I quickly inhale the crystalline substance.

The stimulant courses through my veins, and I breathe a sigh of relief as the pain dulls. Slowly, my surroundings come back into focus, and I’ve never been so happy to see a cat in my life.

After shoving the vial back into my pocket, I look at Lillith through the binoculars one last time, then turn from the window. I can’t stop thinking about her expression when she was holding the lollipop earlier. I want so badly to be the reason she looks like that, and I think I have the perfect solution now.

The lock to Lillith’s apartment springs open, and I nearly tear the handle clean off as I force the door open. The rusty screws creak tiredly as I release my grip, and I frown at the way it wobbles loosely against the wood now. Fuck. She’s gonna notice that.