A throat clearing has me turning to find Kye waiting, with Elira standing close behind him. “Princess.”
I run, diving into his arms and cementing myself to his chest. “I wish I could bring you with me.”
His hand gently brushes over my hair. “I know.” He holds me tighter. “But don’t worry about me. Live the life you were always destined to live.”
“And what’s that?” I ask, tipping my head back to look up at him.
His eyes soften, a watery sheen making the amber hue flare bright. “One where you are shown love every day. A life where your smile is permanent, and your laugh fills the halls. The life you deserve to enjoy beside your mate.”
On a shaky breath, I suck back the tears. “Life won’t feel the same without you.”
“I’m still here, Princess, and I’ll be waiting.” My eyes follow the tear that’s slowing trailing down his cheek, but he never wipes it away. Never takes his gaze off me.
“Promise?” I ask with a small huff of amusement, trying to see him smile again.
And the moment he does makes my heart somersault in my chest. “I promise,” he says roughly, but still holds his smile.
I look to Elira, the organ in my chest softening at the warmth in her gaze, before locking on his again. “You deserve a new beginning that’s full of love,” I say softly with all the adoration I feel for him.
A harsh exhale deflates his chest, and more tears brim the corner of his amber eyes as he slams me back into his chest. Each ragged breath of his brushes the top of my head. “Stay safe, Princess. And always remember how much I love you.”
“I will never forget as long as you don’t forget how much love I hold for you.” My tears soak into his linen shirt that the afterlife dressed him in, and I clutch him tighter, hating that this is goodbye. But he said he’d be here when it was my time. He promised it. So, I suppose this is more of a ‘see you later.’
Stepping back, I look to Elira, gently reaching for her hand. “Thank you. I know you will take care of him now.”
Her smile is radiant and the amount of love she holds for Kye is evident, making my heart surge for them. “I’ll never stop.”
With a final nod of farewell, I turn to walk back to my mother, but a strong hand curls softly around my wrist. My eyes land at the point of contact before dragging up to find Draven’s father.
Crystal blue eyes hold mine.
He leans in, whispering into my ear, and his words cause waves of emotions to lodge in my throat. I swallow them down as I focus on listening, hanging onto his every word. His final wishes and last chance to ease the ache in his family’s hearts.
When he’s done, he cups my hand in his and brings it to his lips to press a tender kiss to the top. “I am so blessed to have had a chance to meet the love of my son’s life.” Turning my hand over, he looks longingly at the markings of our mate bond. Though faded, the design is clear.
“Stars above,” he whispers, letting his fingers trace the crescent moon. “It was always you his dreams were leading him to without him ever knowing.” A small laugh of disbelief shines in his eyes. “Night after night he would tell me about them on the roof. Talking about how his heart felt pulled to this mark, but he didn’t understand why. Only that it felt right.” Smiling up at me, he squeezes my hand. “His other half of the moon, his heart.”
Heat rises to my cheeks from his words because I now see where Draven gets his poetic confessions from. My heart squeezes at seeing how much they are alike, and wishing I could bring him back with me so he can hold his family again. So that Draven could fill the hole in his heart that will always be missing. I know that pain well, though Draven had a lifetime of memories with his father.
Curling my fingers around his, I hold tightly. “He told me about those dreams,” I say, softly. “We didn’t know then what we were to each other, but…our souls kept drawing us together.” Releasing his hand, I pull him in for a hug that he willingly accepts. “You have my promise that they will know every word you wish to tell them.”
“Thank you.” The strain in his voice is loaded with emotion. Breaking apart, those icy eyes stare deeply into mine. “And I’m glad my son found someone to keep him on his toes.”
He chuckles deeply with a playful shake of his head. “I always knew my son’s mate would be one who challenges him, which is what he always needed. A fighter.”
Grinning, I start walking backwards. “It pissed him off at first.” I laugh as his roars to life, placing a hand over his heart. The look in his eye constricts mine, knowing I’m able to give him some peace and a bit of joy to hold onto. But to do that, I need to make sure I can get us all free.
Turning on my heel, with my heart feeling lighter after seeing the look on Irad’s face, I step back in the center of the pillars. The air thickens, weighted with a hum of power that threatens to buckle my knees.
“Come, my sweet daughter. Your destiny awaits.” My mother’s hands grow brighter, holding them out at her sides.
With a final look around me, stealing one more glance at all those I love, a tear streaks down my cheek. One that will soak into the soil and remain with them until we meet again.
Inhaling slowly, my eyes fall shut as I scratch the surface of my power. I call the light to me until I feel it rush through my veins and crackle against my waiting hands. The bloom of warmth that races beneath my skin builds and builds, forcing my glowing white eyes to flare open and meet hers.
Like two stars shining against the night, my mother steps closer. The ends of our hair pick up, whipping around on a current of otherworldly energy. The beats of my heart pick up speed, desperate to return to Draven. To feel the heat of his skin against mine, to hear the sound of his voice, and look into eyes that have snared me in their magnetic pull from the first time I saw them.