Page 58 of Soul of Salvation

The dusting of morning light wakes me, along with the delicious ache that throbs between my thighs. Draven stayed true to his word and made my body shake with pleasure until I passed out. He must have cleaned me up afterward because I’m in a new nightgown and there is no stickiness coating my center.

The bond nuzzling in my chest practically purrs with the connection of touch we shared last night, and I can’t help but raise my hand above my head to stare at the shimmering black mark that now lives on my palm.

From now on, I will have to wear a pair of leather gloves to keep this a secret until we can put an end to everything threatening to tear us apart. The mating mark catches in a yellow ray that faintly bleeds through the shadows Draven kept on guard, and my heart warms at the sight.

Sheets rustle and a delicious scent of cedar and maple swarm around me, making me turn over on my side to find black tousled hair attached to a sleeping Dark Prince. I bite my bottom lip as I drink him in, entranced by how his lips part slightly with every exhale.

Slowly, my fingertips feather over his eyebrow before tracing a path down the straight bridge of his nose, only to curve up and brush along his cheekbone. A lone strand of hair falls over his eye and I softly push it back. His steady breaths bring a sense of peace, making me feel safely tucked away from all the dangers in this world. I wish I could capture this moment and secure it into a bottle so I can hold onto it forever.

I know this moment of luxury is not one I can stay in because we have to walk right into Gehendra soon and face darkness in its most sinister form. Small breaths puff against my fingertips as they dance over his lips, but then they start to curve upward.

Crystal-blue eyes shine so brightly when they catch the morning light that they almost look translucent. My breath hitches. A swarm of emotions swims in his gaze and what feels like a million wings flutter in my stomach.

“I could get used to resting my eyes on you the moment I wake,” his morning voice rasps. Here I am thinking that nothing could be sexier, until his smile brightens, and that damn dimple appears.

I chew on my bottom lip for a moment before I speak. “Careful, I may never let you leave my bed.”

Suddenly, he digs his fingers into my hips and hauls me to him, closing the small gap between us. I immediately feel the hard ridge of his cock straining in his pants against me. His hands rub over every inch of skin he can reach, sighing as I melt into him. He buries his face into the curve of my neck, inhaling deeply before nipping the sensitive skin there.

“A sacrifice I will gladly accept.” His breath tickles against the shell of my ear and I can’t stop the giggle that creeps up my throat.

I go to crack a joke, but then Draven snaps his head, his muscles tense as he sits up in one swift motion. “Someone’s coming,” he rushes out. “As much as I wish to have the world see me by your side and rip the eyes out of those who dare to look at you with carnal thoughts, right now is—”

“Is not the right time,” I finish for him, cupping the side of his face in the palm of my hand. “One day, we will get to have our forever.”

He grabs both sides of my face, pulling me in as the pounding of boots grows louder. “One day very soon, little demon.”

He kisses me, hard. Before I can open my eyes from savoring his lips on mine, he’s gone. Wings drifting on the wind right as a tapping comes from my door.

“Emma?” Aiden’s chipper voice makes me want to curl into myself. “You awake?”

“Yes!” I put on an act of sounding happy to have him find me so early. “Just a moment, I’m indecent.” The moment the words leave my mouth I want to smack my palm to my forehead, but it was the only thing that came to my mind to keep him on the other side of my door.

A throat clears. “Oh, yes, sorry. I’ll leave you to it, but I was wondering if you would like to join me for that meal by the sea you promised?”

I may have politely agreed, wishing I could just kick him where it hurts again, but I never promised him shit. “Sounds lovely!” I wrestle with the sheet tangled between my legs, cursing under my breath. “Meet you near the cave once I’m presentable?”

His chuckle irks something inside of me. “See you soon.” A final knock to let me know he’s leaving. A breath wooshes out of me as I finally manage to win the war against my devilish sheets. I wipe the beads of sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand as I take a second to collect myself.

I hurry to brush my hair with rough strokes as my trembling hands start to calm. That was too close. I hate having to live this lie, but I can’t let Whiro suspect anything is off. All will be over if he does.

With a deep breath, I settle the rapid pounding in my chest before I get dressed in my typical long black tunic, pants, and boots combo. Only, this time, as I press the crease out of my tunic and see the black mark on my hand staring blatantly back at me, I remember to toss gloves on.

The toes of my boots almost kiss my door when I pause. Closing my eyes, I reach into my well of power, searching for the whispers of night. In a matter of seconds, I manage to bring the darkness forward, letting it take its form along my skin and behind my eyes. The rush of ice slithers through my veins.

Draven must feel the shift in me because warmth blooms through the bond and I bite back the smile in an attempt to stay in character.

“That’s my little demon.” His voice is thick and heady, but there is a hard edge to it, knowing I have to go to Aiden. But we both understand this sacrifice I have to make for the time being. I can’t let the truth of my control slip free.

I lift my hand to grab the handle to the door but freeze when a rush of liquid heat spreads under my skin, followed by a husky laugh down the bond. “I can’t wait to fuck the darkness out of you with my own shade of shadows.”

My throat bobs, my thighs squeeze together, and my hand’s white-knuckling the door handle. I can’t respond, not without prolonging the inevitable and causing my body to liquefy more. He knows that as another deep chuckle echoes in my mind. This bond is a dangerous thing if he can get me this wet with words spoken from miles away.

Heat rises to my cheeks, and I have to count to ten to cool my body off and get my thoughts straight. “Tomorrow,” I say to him down the bond. “We will go to Gehendra tomorrow at dawn if everyone feels ready.” I inhale deeply, letting it out in a rush. “I need this to end once and for all.”

A pleased hum brushes around my heart. “Then tomorrow, we will end it.” His voice is filled with determination. “But tonight, you are mine again.”

Sucking a sharp breath, I respond, my voice thready, “Tonight, and every night after, I am yours.”