I ponder that for a moment before speaking. “It only burned me as a reaction to when I attempted to use my power, but a normal blade can also harm me.”
Draven nods while taking another swig of bourbon that works his throat in such a delicious way. “Then I think wyvern iron is more fatal to dragon shifters. My bloodline might have a trace of his power that holds enough of his signature to free you from his cell, but there is not enough for me to be immune to the iron.”
“So, any weapon will do?” Cora chimes in.
Kye grunts in agreement. “It seems so, but it will take a lot of damage to injure him with his level of power.” He slides his hips back, adjusting himself in his seat to sit up more. “Princess, how well are you able to control your powers?”
“Not completely—”
“How so?” Draven interrupts, rushing in with concern.
I sigh, deflating my stiff shoulders. “Sometimes the pressure of keeping the darkness at bay for long periods of time causes my head to feel like someone is slicing an axe through it. Once I accepted this power and stopped fighting it, it eased. I’ve been practicing, but both powers raging inside me wish to take the lead at times. I have the control, but I’m not sure I’ve tapped into the full strength of what I can do. That part is still unknown to me.”
“Do you have a headache now?” Draven’s brows are furrowed together, his body inching closer to the edge of his seat.
“No.” I give a soft shake of my head. “The span of control is growing and becoming easier.” I look to Kye, directing my next words to him. “The control of my powers shouldn’t be a problem. I will keep practicing them in the meantime, too.”
“How will we get there?” Cora asks.
“I can only portal myself and one other until I learn the strength needed for more,” I say, and then, an idea forms. “I could take each one of you at a time. Just bounce back and forth between realms?”
We all sit there thinking about how to reach Gehendra, with me being the only one who has ever been. And then, it dawns on me; the biggest hurdle of all once we arrive. “Oh, I may have forgotten to mention that Fae can’t survive in Whiro’s realm for long. They slowly…die.”
More silence follows.
Until Fynn snaps his fingers. “Shush, we can deal with a little Fae-killing air. We just need to be quick enough. So, don’t worry, it won’t stop us from helping. But I’ve never used my power to go beyond Deyadrum… I think I could with practice, by focusing more on technique and use of my power. It’s worth a shot.”
An empty glass clinks on the table, and I find Draven’s hands empty. He folds them together. Leaning forward, he rests his elbows on his knees, which causes the outlines of his muscles to ripple through his shirt. My eyes greedily take him in, thinking of how his fingers feel against my skin. How his lips take hold of me until he’s all that I breathe. How the feel of his cock—
“Little demon,” Draven’s voice is strained and guttural. My eyes tear off his body and meet his, which are half-lidded and darkening with blown pupils as his nostrils flare.
He knows what I was just fantasizing about, from where my eyes were drinking him in. And I have no doubt he was smelling my arousal that’s dampening the inside of my undergarments.
His hips shift in an uncomfortable-looking way, wiping one of his hands down his face roughly with a deep breath before he clears his throat. “I think Emma should take me to Whiro first. To make him believe that she’s doing as he asked. She can even shadow-bind me again to make it believable.”
I wince at that, but catch Fynn’s snicker, which makes me bite my lips.
Draven scratches along his jawline. “Fynn, if you can master how to portal into another realm, then I think you, Cora, and Kye could follow a little bit after us. We will be the distraction. You guys will bring the weapons.”
“That’s smart,” Kye adds. “We can follow your scent to know which direction you have taken. And if Fae can’t survive long in his realm, then it would be best if we trailed in later. I think there is a good chance you won’t be affected by that since you do hold some of his power.” Kye nods to Draven and they both ponder that possibility.
I shake my head. “I’ll sketch a map that will lead you to where we will be heading in case the realm’s scent throws off ours.”
As soon as that comes out of my mouth, I realize it may not be the best idea. “Wait.” I hold up my hand as my mind tries to process all I know from being in Gehendra. “Whiro can sense if another is in his realm.” Sucking on my bottom lip, my eyes drop to the floor with furrowed brows as I try to think of how to keep them safe. Then, it clicks.
“I’ll leave a mist of my shadows where you will portal in at, and then keep a trail of it visible for you to stay in. That way, it should hide your signature, making him only feel mine.” It has to work. My energy is more potent to him and sensing me won’t cause him to be alarmed.
They all nod in agreement.
But we won’t know what will happen until we step foot in a hell they have never seen.
All I know is I need to be the weapon I was born to be.
The one I have carefully crafted and sharpened throughout the years.