She finished his sentence. “We grew into each other instead.”
I knew something was going to come into my life that would positively affect everything, and I guess this is it. Oh my, do I stand a chance of being a grandmother someday?" Sophie asked. "I had not planned on asking questions like that; I don't know what has come over me."
"Someday, for sure, but it has to fit into both of our lives," Malcolm said. "We're going wherever the first of us finds a job they love.”
“We’ll make it fit no matter what. Once we know where we’re living, we can begin working on that project,” Margeaux said, and Malcolm leaned in for a kiss.
Sophie started making breakfast when there was a knock at the door. Malcolm was checking messages and Margeaux was taking a shower.
“It’s probably someone selling solar panels or something. They’re starting awfully early. Will you send them away, Malcolm?” Sophie asked.
Malcolm looked at his watch and smacked his forehead with the heel of his land. "It's not a salesman, it's Cindy, and she's dropping off Lindsey. They're getting the brownstone cleaned, and with the wedding so close, they figured they'd just leave her here."
“If I had something presentable on, I’d slip out the back door,” Sophie said as she looked down at her boxers and fuzzy slippers.
"Mom. I'll get it, and I'm going to invite Cindy in; otherwise, it'll be rude. Please don't tell her Margeaux and I are married. I'll tell Dad after they return from their honeymoon," Malcolm said as he flattened the cowlick on his reddish-brown hair.
“You’re going to have to introduce us because I’ve never met the future Mrs. Randolph.”
He nodded and pointed at Sophie. “Be nice.”
Malcolm opened the door, and the overweight pug charged into the house. She dragged her hot pink leash behind her.
Sophie heard Malcolm and Cindy chatting as if they were longtime friends. She had better not expect him to ever call her Mom. Sophie didn't think he would unless asked to by his dad, and he had always been an obedient kid. As they drew closer, Sophie wished she could turn invisible.
Cindy clicked into the kitchen with her blonde hair in a ponytail, which was silky like hers was at thirty. Her blue eyes sparkled, and she was wearing riding gear. It consisted of skin-tight khakis, tall leather boots, and a crisp white blouse. Cindy looked like she had just walked off the pages of Town and Country magazine.
“You must be Sophie.” She offered both of her hands. “Your house is as quaint as can be, and so are you with your fuzzy slippers.”
Sophie smiled and stepped away from the counter because she didn’t trust herself around knives.
"It's nice to meet you, Cindy. Malcolm and Margeaux are going to make sure Lindsey is taken for walks and has her food when she's supposed to," Sophie said, and she hoped that was it and she'd be on her way.
“I have to be going to meet my riding instructor in Easthampton. Roger got me a horse for one of my wedding presents, which will be a great way to escape from the city. We’ve started looking for a little cottage out there,” Cindy said.
“You’d better hurry. Malcolm will see you out. Happy wedding, and it was so nice to meet you,” Sophie lied.
They were almost to the door when Margeaux came downstairs, having no idea that Cindy had arrived.
“Mom, I’ve been dreaming of calling you that. I have some ideas…” She got to the bottom step and saw Cindy.
“Hello, Margeaux. I’m confused, is your mother here?” Cindy asked.
Margeaux was frozen, and she looked to Malcolm to help.
"We're married,” Malcolm said. “I didn't want to tell you and Dad until after you got married. It didn't seem right to take any of the spotlight away from you. Mom found out last night."
Cindy had caused Sophie so much pain, so seeing her uncomfortable didn’t bother her one bit.
“You’re going to have to speak to your father about this. Getting married before you find a job is not what he had in mind for you. Of course, we will ask that you remain tight-lipped about this fiasco.”
Sophie was about to talk, but Malcolm jabbed her. He knew his mother well enough to realize there would have been an insult thrown in.
Malcolm said some kind words to Cindy on the way out; he was good at playing the role of peacemaker. Sophie took a teary Margeaux’s hand and told her everything was going to be okay.
"That was unexpected, but I'm glad it's over with. Now, I don't have to say anything to Dad, and I'll let Cindy deal with his temper flare-up," Malcolm said.
“I’m sorry, babe. I had no idea that Cindy was here.”