She knew this man had always been in the shadows of his eyes. She knew his background. She knew what kind of man he was—the kind she wanted, the kind she needed, and so help her God, the kind of man she could fall in love with.
Now she knew what it was about him that had drawn her from that first swoon at the airport. It wasn’t his smile, which could melt steel when turned on to full blast, or the steadfast confidence of his gaze. It was for this. That for whatever reason the universe brought them together, Bale Maddox was a sanctuary for her, a place to rest. She’d felt it instinctively then. She felt it in every cell of her body now. He was here, by her, with her, and she was safe.
She didn’t know why she focused on it, but the black polo looked so elegant, even with those tight-fitting jeans, and he was wearing his boots. Ready for action.
The polo should be outlawed, really, the way it hugged his shoulders and how the material stretched around his biceps. His jaw was hard and still stubbled with beard, and he’d been pacing with all the barely leashed power and grace of every big bad boy who’d ever been at the top of the food chain.
She wanted to rush to him, to feel his arms around her, but this wasn’t the time or place. The greeter came down the stairs, his attention on her. She forced another smile, then turned back to Shark. He was already there.
“Easy, babe,” he said, his voice so very calm, his words for her ears alone.
“Shark,” she said, her jaw so tight, she was afraid it would break, worried she would blurt everything out and ruin her Oscar-winning performance. But seeing him made her go weak inside.
He already knew that something terrible had happened. One look at her and he knew. It was because he’d seen fear, knew fear. He could probably smell it. He was so in tune with her, had those commando skills or x-ray vision, or a danger radar. He knew, and he soothed her. “Not here, not now,” he said, very softly, very close to her ear, his grip like iron around her waist.
He started moving, bringing her along with him. “We’re leaving. I’ve got you, babe.” He was angry, protective, his voice on edge. She had her hand wrapped around his biceps, and the man was built like a slab of granite. All the SEALs were in superhero shape, and Shark was no different—rock hard and ready for action.
Tension pulsed around her as Shark took charge and walked away with her in his arms, getting them out of the palace and back into the limo. A bad case of the shakes hit her as she settled in the seat and glanced toward the front, aware of the driver.
Closing her eyes tightly, she rested her head against the back seat. God, she had been so scared. So damned scared. Determined not to let fear overwhelm her, she made herself concentrate on taking deep, steadying breaths, making her muscles relax. She had to calm down or she would end up telling him everything in a rush. This information had to remain classified.
He followed her inside. “The embassy,” Shark said to the driver, then he pushed the button for the privacy screen. It whirred up until the driver and the front seat were obscured.
He was a consummate professional. He knew that she had information about something that had scared the living daylights out of her. That it was best to wait until they were in a secure location before she shared anything with him.
He blew everything to smithereens when he set his arm around her shoulders. Maddy clenched her jaw, trying to will away the sudden sting of tears. Shark shifted, then he cupped her jaw, lifting her face. “It’s going to be okay,” he whispered gruffly. But she wasn’t sure it was. She looked up at him, her eyes awash with tears, and Shark brushed his knuckles across her cheek, then brushed her hair behind her ear. His expression etched with concern, he let a strand curl around his finger, then gave her a reassuring look, his eyes dark and stormy. He shifted again, pulling her across his legs, gathering her up in a tight, all-encompassing embrace.
Maddy sagged against him, unable to hold in all the raw, and turbulent feelings that surged through her. It felt so good to be in his arms, and she shamelessly huddled there, pressing her face into the curve of his neck. Drawing her deeper into his warmth was what she needed as he cradled her head even closer, his breath warm against the side of her face. He didn’t say anything more. He didn’t have to. He was holding her, and that was all that mattered.
Neither of them spoke, neither of them made any move to draw away. It was almost as though each was drawing warmth and comfort from the other.
The sheer recklessness of what she’d done hit her, and her throat closed up with another painful cramp, only this time her vision blurred with tears. If she’d been caught…she couldn’t finish the thought. She hadn’t been. She was here with Shark, and they were safe. For now.
But Fabrice and Kenzy weren’t safe. Her husband, the father of her child, was dead, and with the political pressures in this country, Shark had been right. It was now a powder keg with a prime minister who had a hidden agenda as if Haiti didn’t have enough problems to deal with.
They crested the hill right before the embassy. Raking her hair back from her face, she closed her eyes and released a shaky sigh. His arm tightened.
They were minutes away, and the repercussions of her jaunt into danger were going to come crashing down. Her dad was going to be livid. Most of the people she knew were going to be livid, and she didn’t even want to contemplate Shark’s reaction.
The limo stopped at the gate, and the guards did their security thing, but the only safe place was right here next to this man. The car moved again, and they were finally at the entrance to the embassy. She slid off his lap, and Shark opened the door, helping her out.
They went into the embassy, passing through security, then up to her father’s office. When she appeared in the doorway, her dad’s expression was one of surprise. “Kitten?—”
Her face contorted, then she was finally losing it. She burst into tears. Relief rushed through her at seeing her father, who was always so calm and strong. He immediately got up from behind the desk and came to her. He looked at Shark.
“Something happened at the palace,” he said gruffly. His hand stroked her back for comfort. Short and sweet. Something seemed like such a tame word compared to what she’d seen.
“Sit down,” her dad said softly as he directed her over to the sofa. Shark sat down next to her, and she was aware he wasn’t going to budge. Her protector. Her dad went over to his desk, poured her a glass of water, and came back. He put it into her hands, and she gulped it, trying to get herself under control.
He took the seat across from her, his shrewd eyes assessing the way Shark slipped his arm around her. It was time she told him about them.
“What happened?”
She swallowed. “You’re going to be angry with me, but I took a golden opportunity to…snoop.”
He sat up straighter. “What the hell do you mean?”
“After I had lunch with Fabrice, she was preoccupied with Kenzy…changing his diaper, soothing him. I figured it would take about ten to fifteen minutes. She didn’t call the greeter right away, so when I stepped into the hall, it was empty.”