He just needed about ten minutes. “Shh,” He kept kissing her—and thinking that he might have an unlimited number of hard-ons for her. He couldn’t get enough of her, all bare breasts and smooth skin. How could he be sated and still horny for her?
He didn’t think he was going to get enough of her, and suddenly, there it was again, that fine edge of desperation he didn’t want to think about.
He grew so hard, her eyes widened, and he took it slow, which in no way lessened the intensity. When she came, he didn’t stop. He pumped into her until she rolled through every sensation.
He collapsed to his side when it was over, but kept one arm around her, holding her to him.
“Bale,” she said softly, smiling at him, an utterly winsome, satisfied smile, and he grinned back. He felt something warm and hot inside his chest and realized it was happiness. He couldn’t ever remember feeling this way, and as he looked at her, his chest got tight in such a good way, it was almost overwhelming.
“Maddy.” He whispered her name. Her eyes darkened as he watched, her mouth parted, and he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.
There was that desperation again, and he wanted to ignore it. Didn’t want to think in advance or worry about the future.
Right now was so perfect. He was going to hold onto it as long as he could.
Maddy opened her eyes to find Shark standing stark naked beside the bed. Damn he looked good, filtered through her sleepy senses. All she wanted to do was draw his hot body back against hers. It had been a blissful week with him and monitoring her research. Stats and sex, what a lovely combination. She’d detected an increase in seismic activity and inserted that information into her research notes.
But the seismic activity he created in her was still throbbing through her. “Where are you going?” she whispered.
Instead of finishing his bend toward the floor, he straightened. “I need to get back into my room before Twist wakes up for PT in about an hour. He’ll notice I’m gone.”
“Just a half hour more,” she said, knowing that she wasn’t being a very responsible person, especially after she’d admonished herself for not paying attention to why she jumped from relationship to relationship. But when Shark didn’t want to date, she was hard-pressed to wonder why she should wait. She must have been out of her mind.
She bit her lip, pushing away that unsettling feeling that it was too important to leave that exploration without analysis. She was a scientist after all.
She rolled to the edge of the bed and reached out to him, caressing her hand down his muscular hip, noticing his morning wood jutting from his body. The man was the full package, so freaking gorgeous with his lean, hard body, a body he knew exactly how to use on her.
She squirmed with the memory of him.
He shook his head, snatched up his shorts, and backed away.
“Maddy, don’t try to use your charm on me right now. I’ve got a mother of a hard-on, but I can’t open you up to gossip within my own team. Not that they’d ever be rude to you, but they would talk and rib me. If Tex gets wind of it… I’m fucking you under your father’s roof. Cut me some slack.”
She sighed and said, “All right. Get going, although I say morning wood is a terrible thing to waste.”
He groaned and stopped moving. “Dammit, Maddy,” he growled.
Before she knew what was happening, he was on her, and she was ready for him, taking him deep into her body, as he pumped and thrust into her.
“Come for me,” he rasped, and she felt his thighs tighten against hers, felt his hot, damp panting breaths, along with the arousing scrape of his unshaven jaw. “Maddy,” he growled, his thrusts wild and untamed until they came in a rush.
Breathing hard, he dropped a warm, lingering kiss on her neck, then took her mouth in a deep searching kiss. The smell and feel of him settled into her bones.
“God, you’re a brat,” he whispered. He caressed her jaw. “See you at breakfast.”
After the door closed, she couldn’t seem to get back to sleep. She was starting to feel precarious here, going down the same road she’d gone down before without examining why she kept following this same pattern.
Her brain scrambled to understand, but it was in constant flux with the reactions of her body, and her heart, and it was all such a huge jumble, there was no way she could think rationally, especially with Bale “Shark” Maddox. That sexy devil.
What if she tried to make a commitment? That thought sent her mind spinning, teasing her with ridiculous possibilities, ones that should seem risky at best, terrifying at worst. And yet she couldn’t stop that little voice from whispering, tauntingly, teasingly, that he was the kind of man she needed to understand herself. Which again felt risky and scary at the same time.
Finally giving up on both sleep and trying to figure herself out, she got up and showered, picking a cute sundress she thought Shark would like. It was white eyelet lace and hugged her curves. She wondered if she would get any time with him today.
She heard doors opening and closing down the hall. The SEALs were up, and it was work out time. She opened the door in enough time to see Shark come out of his room with Twister.
His eyes flashed when he saw her, and he smiled. He was doing that pretty readily around her. His gray eyes seemed less shadowed. She ached to be close to him. She flowed into step with him.