Page 83 of Detained

“She’s sticking around? The girls seem to get along well with her.” He nods towards the glass door where I spot them sitting in there laughing together.

Another icy layer of my heart melts.

I want her to be part of this dysfunctional family we have. “She is.”

Grayson grunts. “Did you kidnap her, too? She’s not anything like I expected you’d go for.”

A smile dances over my lips. “I didn’t. She’s here of her own choice. What did you think would be more fitting?” I can’t wait to hear his reply.

“I don’t know, not a cop? One that would cause less of a headache?”

I let out a laugh. “I can’t say I saw this coming.”

Now she’s here, I need to make sure she doesn’t go anywhere. She was made for me, that I am sure of.

Zara looks up, and waves at me and I shove my hands in my pockets giving her a grin, my heartracing.

I approach her with a determined stride, and she instinctively stands up as soon as I arrive at the table.

“You ready to go, gorgeous?” I whisper in her ear, wrapping my arms around her.

“Awww, look at you two, all in love,” Maddie says.

We both stiffen.

“Maddie,” Grayson says in a warning tone, before lifting her out of her seat.

“What?” she squeals, already distracted by her husband.

“Yep, home sounds good.” Zara rushes out her words.

I can’t seem to respond, so instead I lace my fingers through hers and lead her out of the safe house. I know I loved Leila, but it didn’t feel anything like this. There wasn’t this fire. We grew up together; we fell in love over time.

This is the opposite. Zara threw herself into my life and consumed me entirely.

It’s as if without her, I can’t fucking breathe.

I’ve never felt this. I never want to with anybody else.

This need to own her, for her to be mine. For her to stand by my side and be my queen.


It’s quite plausible this is even more than love. She is my life.

We drive home in complete silence, both of us having the same dilemma in our heads. When she isn’t talking, I know it isn’t good.

I’m not going to deny my feelings for this woman. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her by my side.

It isn’t until we’re home and I’m pouring us a drink that she breaks her fretting silence. “Why did you kill your brother?”

Her new line of question brings a knowing smirk to my lips. “Because he deserved it.”

Her red lips pucker as she mulls over my answer. “He’s your blood, your family?”

“Blood and family are not the same thing, angel.”

My family is this dysfunctional one we’ve created. Men who would lay down their lives for me, that I trust. This woman is also part of that.