Page 78 of Detained

What if they’re here to mess up whatever meeting Frankie has tonight? He would have seen Frankie get me off at the table.

My dad will find out, and that makes me a target for them to get to Frankie. The cold water from the sink doesn’t stop my blood from boiling. At every turn, my father is there to get to me.

I hate him. I hate what he is, what he stands for.

He can’t control me anymore. I have something more powerful than any of them.


Running my hands through my hair, I take a deep breath and make my decision. I need to get back to him. I couldn’t stand seeing him with another woman earlier; it made me murderous. I’ve been through this before, and I don’t want the same ending this time.

I don’t want more blood on my hands.

Heading back into the bar area, I keep my eyes fixed on Frankie, who watches my every move. Holding my chin high, I walk past my old colleagues, deliberately positioning myself next to Frankie while turning away from Alex and Lee.

I lean in close to Frankie and whisper, "You have a problem."

“Tell me more, baby.” He grips my waist, hugging me closer.

“You’ve got two high-ranking cops over in the corner. They know me. Alex is working for my dad. I’m sure of it. He was the one telling Chad to raid my apartment.”

“Hmm.” Scratching his beard, he leans his face closer to mine. “What are their names?”

“Alex Pierce and Lee Mitchell,” I say without a pause.

Frankie leans back, his hands firmly planted on the smooth surface of the table. Completely unbothered by this news.

“Why do you not care? They could be here to find out who you’re meeting? They know we are together? This is bad, Frankie!” I whisper shout, annoyed by his lack of interest.

His fingers tap against his glass. I can’t get a read on him at all, and then a smile creeps up on his lips as he faces me.

“Thank fuck for that,” he says, almost to himself. I shake my head in confusion at his reaction. He almost seems happy.

I don’t get a chance to question him as his lips crash over mine and his fingers lace around my throat.

He pulls back with a glint in his eye. “How do you suggest we deal with them, dolcezza? Should I kill them?” he asks.

My eyes slide over to where they are sitting, watching our interaction. Of course, that’s Frankie’s answer. My first instinct is that we need more information as to how and why they’re working for my father.

I chew on the inside of my mouth, with all these ideas spinning around. I want to impress him, show him I can be useful.

As bad as it is, I understand his need to eliminate the problem.

“I guess you could? Or use them to blackmail my way back into the force? That way I can dig for information there?”

A smirk creeps up on his lips as he leans forward.

“Perfect answer, baby. But, no. I don’t want you near them. Not without me.”

I roll my eyes. “You haven’t heard the rest. My dad will give me my job back, thinking I’m an easy target to get to you. I don’t know what Romano has on him or why he’s so involved, I want to know. I can find out.”

He slowly traces the rim of his empty glass. “Your dad will just let you in?”

I shake my head. “What if I tell him I’m pretending to be yours to get closer to you? It would be the ultimate in.”

Darkness flashes across his eyes. “Are you?”

“Are you fucking serious?” I say, too loudly.