Page 37 of Detained

I rush back over to her and rip off my mask so I can peer over her shoulder at the little leather black journal open in her hands.

Dates, Russian names, and addresses.

I quickly scan the page; every single one leads to Vegas. She has seen quite enough.

I pluck the book from her fingers and pocket it, despite her protests.

“Thank you, baby,” I mutter against her cheek, placing a kiss. I can feel the heat radiating from her skin.

“Fuck you,” she whispers sweetly. I can’t hold my laughter.

“Maybe one day,” I tease back.

There is no maybe. I will be coming back for my woman as soon as I deal with this shitshow.

I close the door behind me and head out the back.

Dammit, I left my disguise behind. I have what I need. I need to leave pronto.

I pass Alex as he comes in from the fire escape. I keep my face away from him and carry on walking until I reach Jax’s car.

“Find anything, boss?” Jax tears his awful mask off his face, sucking in a lungful of crisp fresh air.

“Damn right,” I reply, willing my cock to stop throbbing.

I hold on to the side of Jax’s ridiculous car, as the consequences of what I’ve just done sink in. I know my fiery angel will come back with a vengeance. And I’ll be waiting for her.

Jax pauses before opening his door. “You okay, boss?”


Zara is mine.

She was made for me, and there is nothing stopping me from going after what I want.

There are very few things I live with regret over.

Leila, Rosa, Eva, and not killing Romano sooner.

There is one more to add to that short list.

Not letting Zara come on my cock.



Song- PLEASE Omido and Ex Habit

PLEASE by Omido, Ex Habit (

I ran out of my dad’s office, not even apologizing to Alex as I barrelled into him. That book was filled with names and addresses. This clearly wasn’t the first time Dad’s been involved. I want to kill him myself.

Tossing Frankie’s scream mask on my bed, heat burns my cheeks as I stare at it. I can still feel him on me, as I brush my fingers along my neck where he squeezed.

Even after I shower and get in my little pair of shorts and crop top, I can’t stop thinking about him.

Lying down in the center of my bed, I stretch out and sink into the mattress. I slowly peel down my shorts and spread my legs, imagining he is here watching me. Sliding my hand down the front of my body, I start to circle my clit softly, letting out little puffs of air and my eyes flutter shut.