Page 135 of Detained

I look down at my bare chest and push the tip of the hot blade on my pec. Blood drips as I start carving the letter ‘Z’ into my skin.

She grabs at my arm. “Stop it! Look, I get it. You love me, I believe you.”

I reach the last line of the letter, ignoring the stinging of my flesh. “Now. Tell me I don’t love you. I dare you.”

She looks down at the blood dripping off my knife and back up to me.

This is the man she needs right now.

I swipe the fresh drop up with the tip of my finger.

“I just carved your initial into my skin. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is.”

I stalk towards her and open up her legs. Sliding between them, I trace an ‘F’ across her chest with my blood.

Her mouth gapes open, but now she’s looking at me how she should.

With love in her eyes.

I drop down onto one knee, grabbing her left hand. “Marry me, Zara. I’m down on my knees for you. I love you. Marry me.”

She taps her chin, pretending to be deep in thought, before she bursts out into laughter and my heart nearly explodes.

“I can’t even hold it in. Yes, a million times, yes.”

I jump to my feet and swoop her up into my arms and kiss her like my whole life depends on it.

“Don’t ever doubt my utter devotion to you, Zara. It’s real, it always has been, and it is never going anywhere. No matter what, we are in this together.”

“I’m sorry, Frankie.”

“No. I don’t want that. Whatever grief you have, whatever emotions they may be, let me have them. I can handle it. Just never, ever doubt me. That’s all I ask, angel.”

“You do deserve better than me, Frankie. I won’t do that again.”

Maybe we both needed this to realize what is important beyond anything else.


“I love you, Frankie. More than life, I’m just so angry and hurt, I took it out on you. I want to blame myself, to punish myself for losing-”

“I know, baby. I know. We don’t punish ourselves, we destroy the ones who did this to us. When we’re ready.”

I press my lips over hers. For one night, I think this is enough.

“Now let’s get some sleep and we can talk tomorrow. I just want you in my arms, with that ring on your finger for tonight.”

“I’d like that, Frankie.”

“Good girl,” I whisper, kissing her again.

Squeezing Zara’s hand as we walk into our new home for the foreseeable. When I say home, I mean mansion, complete with two separate wings. Everyone is here in the safe house, and I still have my space.

We need to all be together. We are stronger this way. That is the only way we can all get through this. We have all lost someone.

And we all are seeking our revenge.

As we enter into the hallway, I can hear the chattering coming from the dining room, so I lead us in.