Page 25 of Detained

He hunches his shoulders and runs at me, blade extended.

So, I do just that, firing and hitting him in the chest. I back away as he charges forward. He lunges and I duck as he hits the side of the container.

Oh, shit.

I back out from the metal alley into plain sight. I fire again and hit him in the stomach. He doubles over, blood pours through his fingers clenching the wound as he grunts pain. My finger itches to pull the trigger again to finish him.

A gun goes off next to my ear. The back of my attacker’s head splatters and he drops to the ground.

I spin around, running straight into a chest. Looking up, Frankie’s familiar gray eyes lock onto mine.

He looks from the gun in my hand back to my face with a scowl. His jaw ticks and I swallow past the lump in my throat.

I’m in deep shit.

My heart races, knowing he’s going to kill me.

His fingers wrap around the wrist that’s holding my weapon.

“Are you hurt, dolcezza?”

I blink at him, registering his words.

He studies me as if looking for marks and blood. I shake my head. My hand starts to tremble, so he tightens his grip.

Weirdly, his piercing gaze makes me feel safe. His face is completely unreadable now. A shot fires and I jump. Frankie pushes us back between the containers. My back crashes against the metal and he cages me in with his grip still firmly on my wrist.

I should be petrified, yet for some reason, I’m not.



“I’m fine.” She tips her chin up to me.

I study her as her chest rises and falls. My heart almost stopped when I saw her, before the rage returned.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”I hiss.

I can’t trust her.

She tries to yank her arm away, but I tighten my grip, pulling her closer to me. Enough to feel her warm breath beat against my neck. I inhale her vanilla scent in an attempt to calm down, to settle my emotions.

The defiance in her jaw tells me she doesn’t want to be here.

“Why are you here?”I press. I have to know.

“I-I don’t know,” she falters. I pull back and study her face. She’s telling the truth. I doubt she even realizes I can read her like a damn book.

“Tell me what you’re doing here, Zara.” I drop her arm as she steps back, looking down to the ground.

What the hell do I do with this woman? She’s a thorn in my side. I can’t leave her here with Romano’s men prowling around. It’s irritating that I can’t even seem to get her out of my mind.

“I followed you.”That fire in her eyes returns, and I bite down on my tongue.

“You want me to believe you aren’t here with your father?”

Her eyes flick to the dead guy on the ground beside us who has bullets from her gun lodged within him.