Page 2 of Unspoken Passions

She shook her head and sighed. “You’re so stubborn!” she hissed and stepped back, jerking the door open and gesturing for him to precede her.

Every instinct within him rebelled at the idea of a woman, especially Ella, holding the door open for him. He was all for equal rights, but that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t treat a woman like a lady. And southern manners had been drilled into him from birth by his momma.

So instead of walking inside, he reached over her and held the door for her, lifting an eyebrow when she stubbornly waited for him to go inside first. He smiled faintly as she rolled her eyes in frustration and stomped her foot. “You are SUCH a man!”

He was still too tired for laughter. Maybe a cup, or a gallon, of her famous coffee would help.

Okay, so he wasn’t a complete gentleman. He still eyed her ass in her tight jeans when she walked in front of him. He was a man, after all. And he wasn’t dead. Yet.

“Grab a couple breakfast sandwiches from the back, Loretta,” Ella called out to her night manager. “Mick and Bobby don’t get any coffee until they’ve eaten something.”

Bobby’s eyes widened and Mick almost laughed. Loretta pulled back the cup of coffee that Bobby was just about to pick up.

Ella must have heard the growl, because she tossed him an evil grin. Damn it, he hadn’t meant to make the sound out loud.

“My egg sandwiches are nearly as good as my coffee. And since you can’t remember your last meal, you can just stuff your objections, Sheriff.”

He knew she wasn’t going to budge when she used his title instead of his name. And Mick had to admit that, now that he could smell the food, he was starving.

Not completely for food, though. Once again, his gaze lowered to her adorable ass before her curves disappeared behind the counter. Well, not completely disappeared. He could still see her breasts. And lips. And her eyes. Hell, every part of Ella was perfect. He wanted to lose himself in her, to explore every inch of her with his mouth and his hands. He wanted to know every place on her delectable body that would make her gasp with pleasure. He wanted to hear her scream his name when he…!


Mick glanced over to the waitress. Loretta was holding out a small plate with a warm biscuit stuffed with a fried egg, sausage, and melting cheese. Yeah, it was six o’clock at night. But Ella had a sixth sense about what a person needed. And that egg sandwich made his mouth water.

“Thanks,” Mick replied, tipping his head slightly as he took the plate and the cup of coffee.

He set both down on the counter, reaching for his wallet.

“Don’t you dare!” Ella laughed. “You know that you and your staff don’t pay here.” She gave him a wink and he nearly groaned.

“Ella,” he started off, not meaning for the one word to come out as a snarl, but it did. Sexual frustration boiled in his gut and he was hard pressed to hide his desire.

“Not gonna happen, Sheriff,” she teased, doing that thing with her arms that pushed her breasts up higher. “Just head on over to one of the tables and eat. And if you get a call about something before you finish that sandwich, I swear, I’m gonna lock that door until you eat every last morsel. You’re not going out into the night on an empty stomach.”

He frowned at her for another moment. However, he was too tired and hungry to argue. So, he nodded his thanks and took both over to the table. Dropping into the chair, he gazed admiringly down at the biscuit. It was perfect, he knew. And it was one of those melt-in-your-mouth biscuits that southern women were famous for. He had no idea how they did it because every woman guarded their recipe ferociously, passing it down only to the women of their family.

He lifted the breakfast sandwich and took a big bite just as Bobby sat down and did the same.

“Damn, I wish I knew how to make a biscuit this good,” Bobby groaned, wiping his mouth with a paper napkin before washing it down with coffee.

Mick grunted his agreement. The food and coffee were finally hitting his system and it was nearly orgasmic.

His eyes strayed to the counter, immediately finding Ella. His thoughts turned to wondering what would give Ella orgasmic pleasure.

“Ready to get going?” Bobby asked, wiping his hands with the napkin and collecting his trash.

Ella suddenly appeared by his side and he looked up. “Fresh coffee for the road,” she explained, setting down two large cups of her magical coffee. However, Mick noticed that she only looked at him. Bobby’s cup nearly tumbled to the floor because she almost missed the table. Bobby’s quick reflexes caught the cup, righting it.

“Thanks,” Mick grumbled, standing up. But she was so close. Their bodies nearly touched, burning his chest as he stared down into those soft, brown eyes.

For a moment, the world stopped. He ceased breathing as he watched her eyes linger on his lips. Was she trembling? Or was that his imagination?

Surely not, he told himself firmly. It was just his own lust that was shimmering in the air around them. Damn, he needed to get control of himself!

“Be safe,” she whispered when he broke the spell by reaching for his hat. Gripping the wide brim in one hand, he nodded curtly to her, then backed away.

“Thanks for the meal and the coffee,” he replied, lifting the extra-large cup of caffeine in his hand in a salute.