There were other alphas in the wider area of course and likely their residences were impressive. At some point, if they had not already, Charles and Darcy would be expected to make their acquaintance. It was the way their society was shaped, the rules they were all expected to live by. Alphas generally mixed with one another and the betas and the omegas in their own groups. The exception to this were matings, specifically those that concluded with a wedding. It was only through that arrangement that their classes mixed. It ensured that the significant estates and assets stayed within the alpha class, but that new blood was introduced from the betas and the omegas. It had worked that way for hundreds of years and was unlikely to change anytime soon, even given some of the more liberal, reformation groups that had been gaining traction recently.

Charles was talking now about the plans for the evening including a new game that Mrs. Hurst had brought with her from London. Darcy only half listened as he was unlikely to join in the game, but Charles keenly wanted to talk about it, and Darcy nodded in the right places even as his thoughts played over those Hertfordshire families and the members of them.

He had expected society to be thin in this part of the world and he had not been disappointed by that. And yet, Charles had managed to find the handsomest among them in Jack Bennet! He was certainly something to look at, even Darcy could acknowledge that, though his handsomeness did not impact in the same way it might to others given that Darcy had known Charles for so long and he easily rivalled Jack Bennet.

Indeed, had Darcy and Bingley not been alpha contemporaries, gossip might have spread far and wide about the extent and nature of their relationship, and that gossip would purely have been based on Bingley’s appearance and why Darcy was seemingly so unaffected by it. The answer was simple from Darcy’s perspective. He was a man who knew his own mind and he had yet to find anyone, alpha, beta, or omega who roused his interest sufficiently to be taken by looks alone, good or bad, pleasant or not!

Did he believe there was a fated mate waiting for him somewhere?

The one male meant for him and him alone?

Darcy did not know. All he knew what that he had yet to meet anyone who might even begin to convince him of the possibility!

“I am going to ask my sisters to invite Jack Bennet to tea.”

Darcy started slightly at those words as he had not expected them so quick on the heels of his own thoughts about Jack Bennet. “For what purpose?” he demanded.

“So, they can begin to discover one another’s characters,” Charles said.

They were at the house now, and it looked very impressive in the afternoon sun. Darcy particularly admired the stonework surrounding the main entrance. He found himself wondering at the omega who would have designed it, given almost all artistic roles in their society were fulfilled by them.

“And why do they need to discover one another’s characters?” he asked though he feared he knew the answer already. It was so typical of Charles. It took very little to capture his attention and Jack Bennet had certainly achieved that. Holding his attention was another matter entirely and Darcy wondered whether Mr. Bennet’s personality was attractive enough also to manage that. Because Charles was not a bore, he would need to find something of interest in his mate beyond their good looks.

Charles smiled at those words, but he did not answer them, heading instead to the room that his sisters had put aside for their own particular use. Darcy had little choice to follow. They found Miss Caroline Bingley and Mrs. Louisa Hurst chattering over tea and cake. The other Mrs. Hurst, also known as Mrs. Eleanor, was nowhere to be seen and Darcy suspected she had escaped some time ago.

“I have a favour to ask of you,” Charles said, and his words were directed at Miss Bingley.

“I assume it is to attend this wretched event,” Caroline Bingley said.


“Sir William Lucas’ ball. We received the invite this morning.” She gave a small smile though there was little found to be pleasant in it. “Who could have anticipated the social scene here would be so very exciting.”

“We will attend this,” Charles said. “Sir William was very helpful in the negotiations for Netherfield.”

Mrs. Hurst laughed. “He has an omega son on the highest shelf. I don’t doubt he was helpful.”


“Do I not speak truth, Mr. Darcy?” Caroline Bingley asked.

“I have no knowledge of this,” Darcy said quickly for she was always trying to take him into her confidence and Darcy had found the best way to avoid it was to disavow all knowledge on the subject at hand. Besides, he had met Charlie Lucas very briefly and had found him to be a nice enough young man and was therefore in no mood to slight him.

“Will you attend?” she asked.

“Of course Darcy will attend!” Charles said. “We will all attend! And in the meantime, sister, you will invite Jack Bennet for tea, learn what you can about him and his family.”

She raised a brow and favoured her brother with a considering look. “Why?”

They all waited for his answer which came a moment later, simple and to the point. “I am interested in him.”

“As a mate?” she asked, and Charles nodded.

“Am I to invite just Jack Bennet?” she asked.

“No, dash it, it will have to be the whole family, will it not?” Charles asked. “The mother and all the brothers at least? It will seem improper otherwise for the very first meeting.”

Miss Bingley nodded. “I will invite them all then. All six of them.” She sighed her obvious displeasure, though she did not refuse, and Darcy wondered if she was as curious as her brother about the handsome omega. “And where will you be, brother, while this is happening?” she asked.