Page 10 of Faker

“Can you go and give me some time?” I repeat again, dropping my hands from his muscled body.

He takes a deep breath and shakes his head, smiling a lopsided grin while he takes my hand in his and studies it. I want to pull it back, because I can see the blue paint I used yesterday is still on my fingers. I scrubbed like crazy, but I couldn’t get it off. “What are you doing?”

“Looking at what I won fair and square,” he grunts, holding my tiny hand in his big veiny one.

“Well, technically, we made a deal,” I chime in.

“Whatever makes you feel better,” he says, and the way his deep voice hits me, I’m glad I’m leaning against the wall, because the man tends to say it in a way which screams sexiness.

“Are you going to hurt me?” I ask my voice shaking, while he looks at my hand like he’s never held one in his life.

“Define getting hurt,” he asks, lining our fingers up against each other. His hand is so big compared to my small one.

“Are you… will you?” I demand, and the corner of his mouth twitches.

“What? Hurt you during sex? Maybe,” he says, licking his lips. “I haven’t decided yet.” He grins and touches his nose like he’s a little shy.

I shrink back against the wall, and those eyes find mine again. “I’ll make it good for us both, how is that?”

Is the man teasing me? I frown, focusing on his face. I can’t figure him out, on the one hand he wants to scare me into submission, on the other, he likes it when I lash out at him.

I take a deep breath. “That isn’t reassuring, but I’ll take what I can get.”

He shakes his head. “This is my shower, remember? In here, what I say goes.”

“We didn’t establish ground rules,” I blurt out.

“Oh.” He leans both his hands against the tiles, hovering over me. My hard nipples almost brush his chest, damn traitors. I should be scared for my life right now, why do I want him to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay?

“Yes,” I say through gritted teeth, ignoring how the water cascades down his chiseled pecs.

“Ground rules.” He lets the words roll over his tongue. It sounds dirty coming from him while he pushes against my leg with his knee. I open them a little. “I don’t understand,” he says, licking his lips and watching me through those dark lashes of his while water runs down over his face and long hair.

“I m-m-ean,” I stutter. “With what we’re going to do this month,” I tell him, silently cursing myself for not having shaved down below.

He chuckles and moves a little closer, staring at the place between my legs. “Everything is mine in here,” he rasps, and my clit twitches in response. His tongue darts out, and damn, it’s sexy, the mafia guy oozes confidence like he knows what it takes to survive a fight and come out on top.

Speaking of, I look down, only for a second, and fuck me, the guy is hard, and I’m scared of what it might do to me. How are we going to come together? Will it hurt? I’m not telling him I only had drunken sex once, and it wasn’t a success because I don’t remember a whole lot. I push my legs together and he watches me, more like studies me like a prey deciding when to pounce and go in for the kill.

“Do I need to remind you of our deal?” He raises his voice as his hand lands on my hip and he digs his fingers in my flesh. I shake my head, trying not to focus on his full lips, instead my eyes flash to his while his other hand touches my shoulder.

“You are the one who offered yourself up, so don’t pretend I kidnapped you,” he grunts, licking his lips and slowly running his large hand over my shoulder and down to my elbow. “You should eat more,” he remarks, his eyes running over my body and frowning a little.

That was weird. “Well,” I start to say, but with one raised eyebrow, he shuts me down. His big hands feel warm against my skin, and I feel safe somehow.

“You’re shaking.” He chuckles, shoving his knee between my legs.

I brush my wet hair back. “Yeah, because I’m in a mafia guy’s apartment about to get…” I clasp my mouth shut, trying to cover myself with my hand.

“Yes, finish your sentence,” he says, like he’s teasing, while he grabs my hand and stares at my pussy and licks his lips again. “And I’m not mafia.” He mumbles, his eyes flashing to mine.

“You’re not?” I ask, hopeful.

“I’m a businessman who happens to not obey by the rules.” He laughs.

“Why does it sound more dangerous coming from you?” I reply.

He leans in, and his mouth is an inch away from mine. I can almost taste him on my lips. “You should be scared. I’ll take it slow though, seeing the way you’re shaking right now.”