Page 88 of Remember Me?

Her eyes dilate at his words. "You can't possibly have cameras in the restrooms, right."

This girl is going to be the death of him, but oh, what a glorious death it would be. He pulls her up from her position on the floor, quickly guiding her to the restroom, where he, again, throws the finger to another camera facing the restroom door. He knows those assholes are following his every move.

The door shuts, and he takes her hard and fast against the door. She freed one leg from her shorts and underwear as he pulled her up to pin her against the wall, legs wrapped around his waist. He wasn't gentle. There was only pure lust and quite a bit of possession to their passion. The rhythmic thumping against the door as her ass and back hit it with each thrust added to her moans. He dips his mouth to suck on her breasts, biting and pulling her on her nipples. She climaxes in a rush of words, and he quickly follows her into oblivion.

Sliding down his body, Graham pulls her to him. Sitting on the floor as they catch their breath.

"Well, that didn't take long." She laughs in his arms.

"Dinner?" He asks.

"Dinner and an orgasm? I think I like Physical Therapy." She flutters her lashes at him. "You really know how to spoil a girl."

His voice grows serious. "I'll spoil you with as many dinners and orgasms you want for as long as you let me, Melody." She sighs dreamily into his neck. "Let's go eat."

After pulling themselves together they exit the restroom, Melody's face lowered in embarrassment trying to face away from the camera, while he faces that camera head on, he may have thrown in a smirk for good measure.

"Let me walk you out." Her car was the last one left on the lot, but something looked off. It didn't feel right. Rounding the corner, he saw the side of her car, large scratches, and gashes gouged into the side of the car. "Shit."

He turns to face Melody, eyes wide. Her face mirrored his own. "Are you serious?" She walks around the car, assessing for more damage. "Lovely." She indicates, reading the word 'slut' carved into her car.

This petty shit has Kim written all over it.

Maybe enough to get her fired since they didn't take his sexual harassment complaint seriously. He can try to push it this way.

"I need to make a call. Meet me at my house?” He pulled out his key and gave it to Melody. Let yourself in if I take too long. Here, take my car." He didn't want her driving her car with all the gouges and slashes in it.

“Are you sure, Graham? I can wait here with you.”

“I’m sure. Go get comfortable, I’ll be right there.”

He watches her get into his truck and drives off with a wave. He pulls his phone out, calling his friend from security.

"Hey bro, saw you walking out of that bathroom looking mighty satisfied," Mike says without preamble.

"Fuck off," Graham replies with a laugh.

"Well, someone certainly got fucked." He laughs at his own joke.

"Mike, focus. I need your help with something."

"Can you check the parking lot cameras? Someone keyed Melody’s car, and I’m pretty sure I know who it was."

"Oh shit, creeper Kim or what?" She had a bit of a reputation around the office. Everyone saw her ridiculous advances and stupid doodles with his name on them. Everyone saw it, yet those dumbasses in HR didn’t take him seriously.

"Can you check?"

There is a pause in conversation as Mike searches the footage, keyboard clacking in the background.

"Oh man, she looks like a woman on a mission, yep, looks around, annnndd there goes the key, damn, she is really angry at that car. What did she write?"

Graham growls at the other end of the phone. "Can you forward the footage to HR?"


"Thanks, man." He disconnects the call and heads home to pick up his girl.

Chapter Twenty-Three