Page 79 of Remember Me?

"There was no need. I should have been more prepared, but I ... it's just been a while, is all." She bows her head in shame. "Do you have anything?" There is a moment of silence.

"No, I don’t, I don't bring anyone home. And it has been a little bit since I required one."

She stares at him in disbelief. "Are you fucking with me right now? I doubt, very seriously, that this." She points her hands to his chest. "Has remained celibate.”

He chuckles darkly.

"I don't bring people home, but the internet is a wild place, love. I swipe, and a willing pussy comes to me. Usually, a motel because I don't want them to know where I live and pick up what I need on the way." She is very uncomfortable with this conversation, but she needs to know.

"I wasn't lying earlier. The women, they know the deal. They shut up while I close my eyes and envision the sweetest pussy I have ever had. I imagine the warmest mouth sucking on my cock, while she touches herself and then fucks my face as I lick up her pleasure. I see these tits and this face. I have a fantastic memory, Melody, and an even better imagination."

His hands move across her back, eyes on hers as he speaks. This really shouldn’t turn her on. He was talking about screwing other women, but, fuck if she was not about to climax just by hearing him speak.

"Would it be so bad, Melody? For you to slip that soft pussy over cock, let me fill you up and make another perfect human?" Her body shivers as she grinds herself on his legs, trying to find relief from the aching at her core. Would it be so bad? She really shouldn't be making any decisions right now under this particular brand of intoxication. But she brings her hips up with her knees as he cradles his dick and slowly lets herself drop.

"Jesus, Melody, you feel unbelievable, you feel like…mine. That's right, baby, ride my cock and take what you need."

"What if someone sees? We are outside." The words come out in a rush, not wanting to stop but knowing she probably should.

"Let them. Let them see how lucky I am." He reaches under her ass, his fingers joining his dick, and that effectively shuts her up. She pumps up and down, just riding the waves of her pleasure. After a few seconds, he moves his fingers to her ass, and she is gone. The climax rides through her body as he lifts her up and down a few times, finding his own release as he fills her up just like he said he would.

She doesn't regret it, not one bit, as she rests her cheek on his chest, regaining her composure.

"These are pretty." She says, absently tracing the musical notes that float over her chest above his heart and disperse over his shoulders. "I didn't know you were a musician too?"

His chuckle runs through her body, erupting goose flesh in its wake.

"I'm not, but I did it to commemorate something that meant a lot to me." He looks down at her, sadness overcoming him. "A bittersweet Melody that was written just for me, but unfortunately, never came to be."

He smiles sadly at her, his voice haunting, the meaning clear.

"You see, Melody, I also wanted to take a piece of you with me, always, even though we were never meant to be."



“Looks like we are putting this truck of yours to good use." Melody says while she pulls her dress back up her body, sadly covering herself up. They head back inside, where Ollie is still knocked out on the couch. He must have had a hell of a day. Melody kneels by the couch, pulling Ollie’s curls back over his forehead and then giving him a sweet kiss.

"He asked me if I was his dad."

She freezes. "I'm so sorry. I knew he was getting curious. What did you say?"

"I said yes.'' He looks at her, trying to gauge her reaction, but she sighs in relief.

"So where does that leave us?" She asks him. Her face earnest and vulnerable.

"It leaves us raising a son together, " he says matter-of-factly. He moves around the bar to stand behind her, pulling Melody into his body and kissing the side of her neck, inhaling her scent.

"I enrolled Ollie in school today. I have a few apartment viewings tomorrow, and I'm hoping to get a call back about the teaching position at the high school. They have a 9th-grade English teacher opening. I've never taught high school before, but how different can it be from teaching 8th graders?"

Still holding Melody in his embrace, he asks, "Where exactly are you looking for an apartment?" She lets go of him and turns around to face him, her back against the bar.

“Well, I was hoping somewhere close to my parents. And you. If that's okay."

He smiles down at her. Of course it was okay, it was more than okay. What was she expecting? For him to say no. But he did want to make sure the buildings were safe. "Can I come with you? What time are your appointments?"

"Really? You'd want to waste your afternoon touring tiny apartments?” When she sees the seriousness on his face, she relents. “My first one is at one, then not again until three."