Page 62 of Remember Me?

He opens his mouth to ask, but she leans up, capturing his mouth in hers. She turns over, bending at the waist, laying her chest to the granite countertop. She lets out a hiss when her breasts squish against the counter. Understanding what she needed, he lifts her dress, exposing the globes of her ass, now these puppies were definitely bigger.

He groans deeply, the satisfied sound of a man who is about to get what he has been dreaming of. So he dives right in, sucking on her legs and ass, biting his way to her core. She cries out, much more sensitive than she used to be, that's ok, he can be gentle.

"Fuck me Graham, please." He stops.

She called him Graham, not Nash. She is begging him, begging Graham to fuck her. Not being able to stop the smile that crosses his face, he quickly pulls his dick out and gives the woman what she wants. He was much more rough than he probably should have been. Probably bruising her hips, but she felt so good. He really couldn’t help it. He pulls her hair back to suck on her shoulder and squeeze her glorious tits.

She squirms beneath him. "You need more baby, don't you?" He knows her body and what she needs like its second nature, his hand comes down to cup her core and she grinds her clit over his hand, riding him, taking her pleasure from him just as he takes it from her. Her moans get more frenzied, urging him on. He comes with a groan and she follows him over the edge with equal ferocity.

Damn, that was fast. He leans his head against her back, instinctively curling his arm around her middle. She stiffens at the contact.

"Did I hurt you?" He stands quickly, pulling himself back in his pants and covering her ass with her dress. She turns to face him, her face flushed. He reaches over to fix her dress over her breasts.

It was a shame really, they are glorious.

"No Graham, you didn't hurt me. It's just been a while." She averts her eyes. Wait, does that mean she and Duke haven’t been intimate, that he has been the only one to feel her come undone for the last few months?

He wanted to the only one for the rest of her life.

He approaches her.

"Don't say anything Graham, this wasn't supposed to happen."

"Why not?" He starts. This was the only thing that was supposed to happen in his eyes.

"Graham, you have your entire life ahead of you. You have college parties to go to, exams to pass and mistakes to make. We are living in two very different worlds right now. Especially right now." She holds out her arms, and he quickly melts into her.

"You're right, Melody." She stiffens, she probably didn't expect him to give up so easily. But that is far from the case. He is not giving up.

"Right now, I can't be what you need. But one day I will be the only thing you need." He cups her face with his hands.

"I will graduate and get a badass job. I will buy the truck to help you move all your things into our house. It will have a fucking white picket fence and everything, Melody. I swear it. Then I will sit your ass down on the bed of our truck, eat your pussy right there in the driveway of OUR fucking house and no one, absolutely no one, will be able to stop me." A ghost of a smile graces her face. Humor shining in her eyes, but he was dead serious. This was no laughing matter.

"Don't waste the best years of your life on me, Graham. Go and have fun. Maybe we will have another chance, one day." She looks up at him with a sad smile. "I'm going to wait for Marisol out on the back porch, will you tell her I'm out there?"

"This isn't over Melody." He announces as she walks to the back. She doesn't look back at him, not once. He pulls out his phone to text Marisol that the coast was clear.

Graham: She is waiting for you on the porch.

Marisol: Did you fuck things up again?

Graham: Something like that.

Marisol: You're such a dumbass.

Graham: I am.

He keeps himself busy in the kitchen, but really he is watching Melody. She is pacing the length of the porch, enclosed now for the winter. She left her boots by the door and is just worrying her bottom lip and running her hands through her hair.

What is going on?

Marisol bypasses the front door and comes in through the back gate. Seeing Melody for the first time since she went to college, she pulls her into a hug. But Melody is crying.

He makes a move to go out there, to see what's wrong. But Marisol puts a hand out, she must know he is watching. She sits with Melody on a nearby loveseat, sitting close as Melody says something to her. Marisol jumps up and stands still for a few minutes. He sees her mouth his name as her wide eyes meet his through the window.

Marisol kneels in front of Melody, her eyebrows drawn together, worry shining on his little sisters face. Worry has never been an emotion that Marisol wore. She was happy, she was mad, she was sad, she was confident, but worried? Never worried.

They embrace for what's like an eternity. They talk. He ran out of things to do in the kitchen, he just wants them to come back inside. He wants to talk to Melody.