Page 56 of Remember Me?

As embarrassing as it is to admit, she cries the entire way home.

They are the silent tears of finality. The end of something that didn't really have the opportunity to start in the first place.

They didn’t stand a chance, not really, not outside of their mutual attraction. She only had herself to blame, after all. She kept him at arm's length, not wanting to get too attached, and now, it's too late. She waited much too long to figure out what she wanted.



Was this chick still talking? Jesus.

There is a girl in front of him, crawling over the counter like a monkey. He has no idea what her name is, just that she won't stop jabbering away. Scrubbing his hand over his face, his body betraying him, announcing its fatigue to anyone who was paying attention.

Suddenly he feels the tug, the familiar flutter in his stomach telling him Melody is near. His Melody.

Head darting around the room, looking for the source. He smells her.

He fucking smells her.

The scent of vanilla and god damn coconut, it's overwhelming, he is going crazy, that's what this is. A depression-induced psychotic break. It has to be.

He made it a point not to ask about her, not to look at her social media, he wanted to remember her the way she was the last time he saw her, sprawled naked on her bed confident and trusting. He sips his room-temperature beer, wincing.

Why do people drink again? This tastes like shit.

Danny walks into the room just then. Thank god, now he has an excuse to leave. He shoves the beer bottle into the hands of the girl in front of him so she doesn't try to grab him, then walks away toward Dan.

"Who’s the girl?" He asks, pointing his chin towards the chick on the counter.

"Eh who knows, can we leave please, this party blows. I just want to go back to the apartment." Graham pleads.

"Did you see her?" Danny accuses. In a pretty shit tone, to be honest. What the fuck crawled up his ass.

"See who?" He throws back, matching Dan’s energy. He doesn’t have time for this shit. If he won’t come with him, fuck him, he will just go on his own.

Danny sighs.

"Some hot girl, or woman really. Cause the curves on that chick had me salivating." He tapers off, lost in a daydream or fantasy, probably.

"Ok.. and I need to know about this person because." Graham hedges. “Seriously, Dan, I do not want to hear about some girl you're fucking.”

"Oh shit, yeah, sorry, she came looking for you. I sent her up here to find you, dickhead. But in my defense,I didn't think you would be dry-humping some dumb bitch on the counter. That is not like you at all, man." Danny scolds him like fucking child.

"Dry humping? Seriously, I didn't even touch her. She just jumped on the counter like a fucking ninja." He laughs. "Wait." Vanilla and coconut. "Did she tell you her name?" Graham asks hopefully, a little crazed as he gets up in Dan's face.

"Nah, man, but she ran out of here pretty quick. I walked her to her car. You know how it is with drunk guys and hot chicks." He shrugs. He did know, unfortunately. He also knew how handsy drunk girls can be, too.

Could it have been Melody? Could she have wanted to see him? Maybe give their relationship a go? He smiles, optimistic for the first time all month.

"I don't know why you're smiling, bro, because she was not happy when I put her in her car. She said, and I quote. 'It's better this way.' That sounds pretty final to me.” Danny interjects his musing.

Oh shit. He didn't even think about what Melody might have seen or how she would have interpreted what she saw.


It probably took so much to get her to come over here. After he turned his phone back on after the party, he saw she tried to call him and sent him multiple messages to meet up.

Fuckkkkk. Had he seen these, he could have been happily sitting by her side drinking coffee or eating her out in her living room; both options were pretty fantastic. Instead, he drank a beer at a party with some random chick who he didn't even know, and that one decision derailed him even further.