Page 49 of Remember Me?

"Something like that." He answers. The conversation with his mom went a little more like that. ‘Mijo, Melody is a grown woman who needs a stable man in her life. Stop flirting with her, or you might confuse her feelings.’

What his mom didn't understand was that he was the one that was confused. He was so sure that Melody would see how perfect they were for each other, but the summer was almost over, and she was sitting next to Max outside on the patio with his parents.

He should be sitting beside her, but instead, he is sitting on the sidelines again, just watching her, just like he did when he was 14- an outsider.

Maybe his mom was right. Maybe he was never going to be enough for her.

Chapter Fourteen


He woke up this morning to an empty bed and no alarm. Max had walked Melody home at his mother’s behest.

Tumbling out of bed, his mood foul and his body coiled.

Grabbing his running shoes, he stomps out the door, needing to clear his head. Thoughts of Melody and his official meeting with his coach and trainer swimming in his head. He just knew they were going to cut him from the team. He had sensed this from the second his coach asked to see a copy of his latest MRI. His injury was not healing properly or as fast as they wanted it to.

His thoughts swam from Max and his lingering stares and cocky smiles to school, starting to what he would do if he was cut from the team. How would it affect the course of his education and his life?

It was just a lot, and it was starting to take a toll on him.

Running up and down that hill really did help settle his nerves a bit, but what he really needed was to see her.

He had to talk to her, plead with her to keep him.

He steps up to her front door. Her car is parked in the driveway. Her parents are never home anyway.

Nash: Are you awake?

Melody: I am now. : )

Nash: Open your front door.

He can hear her footsteps clearly running to the front door. He smiles to himself as the door pulls open. She is beautiful, with her face all scrunched up with sleep. Her eyes slowly register that he is in front of her.

She wakes up pretty quickly after that, pulling him inside and devouring him with her eyes. He will never get over that look. His body responds instantly to her body language. She leads the way to her bedroom. He has been in here only a handful of times this summer, most of which was spent in the dark, mouth on her pussy, so he really never had a chance to look around.

She reaches for him, clearly wanting to touch me, but she brings her hands back behind her back.

This is much harder than he ever imagined. He thought he could handle it, a physical relationship with her was better than nothing right? She had to give in eventually, they were clearly made for eachother. But it has been almost two months and she was no closer to giving in than she was the day she found out he was Graham.

He can't do this anymore.

Every day, he fell a little harder, every touch feeding his obsession, and it was definitely not healthy.

Giving her another opportunity as he leads her to the bed, she sits on the edge, legs opening up to him, begging him to close the gap, but she won’t do it herself.

She won't come to him.

Her hands move towards him.

“Melody, don't touch me unless you promise you won’t regret it. It would absolutely shatter me if your touch were tainted with guilt and regret.” She hesitates, eyes glassed over with lust. They had been playing with fire and were about to go up in flames. She puts her hands down, clutching the mattress instead.

His shoulders drop, this had to be the last time.

“I know I said that we could go as slow as you needed me to, " he starts. "But I don't know how long I can go on just being your dirty little secret, Melody. Ignoring me in public, but drowning in our pleasure when no one is looking.” His head drops in defeat.

“No, Nash, it's not like that.” She reaches up to cup his face.