Page 44 of Remember Me?

'I love the feel of my fingers in your vagina’ doesn't have a great ring to it.

Not romantic at all. So he doesn't say anything at all.

So, he just sits there in silence while Marisol drones on about the movie as the buildings pass by in a blur.

The car stops, and he bolts out, eager to get in there. It's a pizza place with retro arcade games alongside some newer models. He and his friends used to hang out here, unsupervised, for hours on Friday nights. He even had his first kiss right next to a Pacman machine when he was in the 7th grade.

Pulling the door open, eyes adjusting to semi-darkness. The music and arcade sound travel through his body rhythmically. A low buzz settles through the air. Surveying the room, he sees her. Her back is to him, but there is no mistaking her. The bar lights silhouette her curves. The dips and valleys of her body are just begging to be explored. And in case it was unclear, explored by him and only him.

A hand at her lower back pulls him back to reality. She shifts her body out of Max's grasp. Bringing her drink to her mouth. She points to an empty table tucked into a corner. Melody still can't see him as he lurks in the shadows like a stalker. but he wants to observe her for a little while.

She doesn't look particularly excited to be here, only gracing Max with a casual half-smile. He asks her a question, to which she responds quickly, comfortably leaning over the table, her elbows resting on top. She does seem to be engaged and invested in the conversation, although not quite as expressive or interactive as she is with him. She seems to keep her answers short, preferring to listen to him rather than speak herself.

Marisol and Theo walk into his line of sight, making a beeline straight for their table. Just then, the differences are clear. Melody's face lights up as she stands to greet his sister. Looking over Marisol's shoulder, her eyes search for something. Could she be looking for him? Her smile dimmed momentarily, not finding what she was looking for, but Marisol whispered something in her ear to make her laugh.

He stands by the wall, just watching her. The way she pulls her hair behind her ear as she listens to the conversation around her. The way she licks her lips after taking a sip of her drink.

He doesn’t miss how she continues surveying the room, looking for him. And he also doesn’t miss the look on her face when she finally spots him watching her. Her cheeks flush beautifully, and her mouth parts open as her tongue comes out to lick her bottom lip. She looks down at her hands again. And that’s his cue, he starts to make his way towards the table, her eyes lock on his and she follows his approach.

Yeah, he is still in the game.

Grabbing a chair from a nearby table, he pulls it up, flipping it backward to sit by Melody at the head of the table. He straddles the chair, folding his arms across the armrest. He does the whole upward chin hello to Max and bumps shoulders with Melody.

"Hey." He whispers to her.

"Hey, back." She says with a playful smile. Bumping his shoulder back.

"So, " he starts, his approach overshadowing the conversation. "How did everyone like the movie?"

He looked right at Melody."How about you, Melody? Did you enjoy yourself? What was your favorite part?" The blush on her face erupts, trailing down her neck, probably painting her gorgeous chest pink as well. It was a shame he couldn't see it.

Everyone stares up at her expectantly. She ducks her head, taking a generous sip of her drink. "Um, well, I would say it was... " She trails off, trying to find the words after being put on the spot. Instead of taking the easy way out, her eyes shoot back at him, a ‘challenge accepted’ look on her face.

She groans huskily as he shifts in his seat. "Definitely the climax. God, when everything just…exploded at just the right moment." She takes another sip of her drink, never taking her eyes off him. "The director? Well, he really knew how to work his audience, manipulating them expertly." Her voice gets lower. "And the way he started? Nice and slow, the build-up making us ache and beg for more. Working us into a frenzy, then making us shatter."

"Well, shit." This from Theo. "I don't think we were watching the same movie, but fuck, if I don't want tickets to that show." Marisol snorts into her hand, and Nash is left adjusting his shorts. This was going to be a long evening.



The energy around the table shifted as the night drew upon them. Everyone was having fun, Max and Nash were competing at every game they could find. Each of them came to her when they were the victor, asking for congratulatory affection. She would have been embarrassed if it wasn't so funny.

"Melody, come watch my moves. You're going down, Maxy!" Nash announces, then proceeds to get his ass handed to him in Dance Dance Revolution.

"You cheated!" Nash declares, a grin on his face as he laughs happily, his eyes shining. "Rematch!! Air Hockey!" The playful, competitive spirit in them is refreshing. It had been a long time since she had this relaxed, youthful fun. Everyone she knew at her school was grumpy, always complaining about something.

"I have to warn you, Graham-ma, I was the reigning air hockey champion from 2015 through 2018. You better watch your back." Max responds. Nash gets in position, shakes his butt, and pulls into a deep squat to stretch. The muscle on his thighs stretched the fabric of his shorts.

"I see you checking me out, Melody." He announces to the entire room. Her face grows warm at being caught staring. Okay, so maybe she was checking him out, but she can't help it. He is a beautiful man with powerful legs.

"I was just making sure you weren't going to pull hammy with that stretch there." She swipes at his bottom. "Go get ‘em, tiger." She teases and walks to the middle of the air hockey table to get a clear view of the plays.

"Hey Mel, watch this move." Says Max as he misses the next four attempted goals.

"Wow, that looked great, Max. " She giggles as he pouts in mock defeat. He walks towards her, rounding the table to rest his head on her shoulder.

"I lost, "Max says, looking for reassurance, his pout bringing out a youthful shine to his light blue eyes. She pats his head, and Nash gloats happily, fake bowing.