Page 3 of Remember Me?

“What’s your name, darlin’?” He asks, a sexy grin on that gorgeous mouth. His lips are thick and full, framing the world's most attractive set of teeth. Can teeth be sexy? Because this man had some sexy teeth.

“Melody.” She responds quickly, her heart racing at how shamelessly her body was responding to an attractive man. Really Melody? You want to just lick his face while you're at it, answering him like a puppy eager for attention. Rolling her eyes internally. Her self esteem must be at all time low from Duke, that’s all this was. So now that she would have probably responded to flirtatious advances from anyone. She brings her hands over her cap, tugging it further down to shield her face, trying to put some distance between her and this beautiful man in front of her.

“Melody.” He repeats in a deep rumble, eyes bouncing from her mouth to her eyes, then back to her mouth as she worries her lip between her teeth.

Was it hot in here? Yes, it was definitely warmer, right?

Her eyes darted to other people in the room, and to her dismay, not a single one of them seemed to notice the rush of heat that suddenly dampened the air in this bar. It has to be the alcohol, then. She lets out a audible sigh as she gives in and lets herself be swept away in the attention. Because why not? He’s pretty to look at, and she is pretty single at the moment.

Stupid Duke and his stupid dick getting into vaginas that don't belong to him.

Ugh, focus, Melody. Look at this guy, he is totally eyeing you. Just be cool.

“How about you? Do you have a name? Or should I keep referring to you as Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome?” She says with a sleepy grin. Her body finally humming, alcohol having dulled the sharp edges of the world around her. Her stranger doesn't respond immediately, staring back at her with a faraway look. At this point, she can observe him in the quiet, scanning his face for any warning signs that she was in danger.

Admittedly, it has been a while since she has been hit on, but she could still spot a creep a mile away. This guy, he wasn’t giving out the creep vibe, but there was definitely something there. An intensity in his gaze that pulls her in. His expression darkens, and a look of barely restrained emotion crosses his features.

What was it, was that possession, hunger, lust? All of the above, maybe? Sign me up, baby. You can possess this body all you want.

Wait. How long had they just been sitting in silence? She was so busy trying to read his face that she didn't even notice that they hadn't uttered a single word in over two minutes. Okay, he may be hot and all, but this was a little awkward.

Hit the brakes, Melly. Let’s get out of here before he takes you back to his place, chops you up into a million pieces, and stores them in the freezer or something. She sneaks another look at him. God, look at that mouth. I bet he can make her body sing with that thing. Maybe she can get away with a quickie before he chops her up.

Seriously Melody? No more alcohol for you.

“Okayyyy then, thanks for the drink.” Melody begins gathering her things, leaving her book for last. She will probably need it for the wait before her flight, still having over an hour before boarding even begins. She might be able to bump herself up to first class if she can catch the attendant in a good mood.

“Nash.” A voice says, barely discernible over the loud music.

She turns to face her stranger, he is much closer than he used to be. So close she could see the long lashes framing his dark eyes when she looked up at him. What looked like a short beard, was actually a few days' worth of thick stubble. With their closer proximity, she can smell his scent, clean and woodsy, intoxicating.


Nah, she would have remembered someone who liked like that.

“My friends, they call me Nash.” He tips his head back a little, taking in the last drops in his glass, exposing the column of his throat. She can’t help but take in how masculine that one action looked.

His jaw clamped tight as he swallowed down his drink, his penetrating gaze on hers. Nash sets his cup down on the bar and brushes his body deliberately against hers. He could have gone around, but instead, he gets in her space, her chest grazing his slowly, those dark eyes never leaving hers. She was standing much too close. She really should have moved, but she didn’t. Something kept her feet rooted in their place.

“See you around, Melody.”

Chapter Two


Setting a brisk pace for herself, she makes her way to the gate after a quick stop for a bathroom break.

Hey, no judgments now; alcohol goes right through her.

She notes the flush of her cheeks, large eyes flashing happily in the reflection, which she almost solely attributes to her handsome stranger, Nash.

She really didn’t get a lot of information out of their brief encounter, but boy, did she like the look of him. Beautiful mouth, curled up at the ends in a smile even when his eyes pulled into a frown. With his caramel-tinted skin, gorgeous dark eyes hooded beneath thick lashes, hair cut short, broad muscular shoulders and arms, swoon-worthy for sure.

Down girl.

A quick splash of cold water on her face should do the trick. Fixing noise-canceling headphones over her ears, she grabs her carry-on and backpack, and continues her trek to Gate C 25. Nothing is playing, but she enjoys being disconnected from those around her, more of a casual observer than an active participant, almost like enjoying the world on mute.

Usually, by this point in her travels, she is pretty stressed out, trying to find her way to the gate and making sure she is there on time, but today, her thoughts seem to be plagued by other things, namely, Duke.