Page 86 of Remember Me?

"That little boy is the spitting image of my Graham. Right down to the stubborn streak, but he has his mother’s patience and kindness in him. It is a beautiful combination."

"So, you are not upset?" Melody asks, suddenly overwhelmed with emotion."You approve?" Rosa jumps up at that.

"How could you ever think we would disapprove of you? You are as dear to me as my own. It would be an honor to have you as part of this family. Officially." She beams at her.

"Well, let's not go crazy."

"I don't know if I ever told you this since we don't celebrate birthday years in this house, but Mr. Stevens and I have a bit of an age gap ourselves." She smiles conspiratorially. She stares off dreamily. "But that is a story for another time.”

Wow, she didn't know this, nor could she tell. That gave her a little hope that their romance could last well into their golden years. "I am thoroughly intrigued now."

"Go, go, you don't want to be late for your appointment. Oliver will be just fine with me for a few more hours."

With that, she is rushed out the side gate in an effort not to wake her son.

It's almost seven. She decides to head over to the clinic and idle in the parking lot until it's time just as she is pulling in, her phone rings.

Ack!! The school is calling. Okay, Melody, be cool. Taking a deep, relaxing breath to shake the jitters off, she answers the phone.


"Congratulations, Ms. Grace. It looks like you got the job!" The secretary says in greeting. "Principal Leon would like to schedule a date next week to go over a few things with you and HR. Welcome to the team!"

She got it! She got the job! She couldn't wait to tell Graham.

Getting out of the car a few minutes before seven, she doesn't mind waiting a little while in the lobby for Graham to finish up. She was so ecstatic there was no way she could sit still and wait in the car. The door dings with her arrival, and the girl at the front desk looks up from her phone.

"We 're closed." She says with a sneer. "Call next time."

"Oh, um, I'm waiting for Dr. Stevens. He knows I'm coming." Melody takes a seat furthest away from the angry young woman who is currently glaring at her. What is her problem? Customer service must not be her strong suit. Probably best that she rethink her career choice.

If she is this upset now at the ripe old age of what, 20? There is no telling how grumpy she will be in her 40s.

She pulls out her phone to let Graham know she is here.

Melody: I'm here early.

Melody: Waiting in the lobby with Little Miss Ray of Sunshine!

Graham: I'll be right out.

She can hear Graham talking loudly to a person in the back, their voices carrying as they make their way up to the lobby. The girl at the front desk is not at her perch so she can only assume she went to tattle to Graham that he had an unwanted visitor.

"Ok. Mr. Benitiez, remember to do your rotations, slow and controlled. We will see you next week."

Graham walks an older gentleman out the door. Giving her a wink on his way out, he walks the gentleman all the way to his car, closing the door behind him.

She stands at the glass doors, admiring the length of him, his strength radiating from the effortless way he tosses the walker into the back of the man's truck. He turns and begins to walk back towards the clinic.

A low murmur of appreciation sounds next to her. It seems the secretary was also enjoying the view. Melody's eyebrows pull together, jealousy unfurling.

"That is one fine-looking man." The secretary lets out a groan, biting her lip. "And trust me when I say he looks way better between my legs." The secretary says salaciously.

Melody's eyebrows shoot up. Gaze darting between Graham and the girl.

She takes a step back to her seat to wait.

"Graham," Sunshine says in a low voice. "This lady says she had a session with you, but she is not on the books again. I can see her out for you since she doesn't have an appointment." She puts her hand on his bicep. And since we were being honest, that is my bicep she was holding. Trying to take a calming breath she closes her eyes.