Page 81 of Remember Me?

And just like that, he walks in, shorts and all, pushing her back against the glass. He kneels in front of her, pulling one of her legs over his shoulder, opening up her core. He looks up at her then, eyes dilated, noting the changes in her body since he last saw her. A thin scar under her panty line. A C-Section. She went through major surgery, and he wasn’t there.He should have been there. He should have held her hand and kissed her cheek as our child took his first breath.

He kisses the scar, licking the thin line that brought his son into the world. "I'm sorry I wasn’t there." He says regretfully. “But I’ll be there for the next one. That’s a promise, Melody.”

He takes a deep breath, inhaling her scent mixed with his shampoo lingering on her body, with his head pushed up against her core. Her hips move rhythmically, rubbing herself over his face as he smiles into her.

Then he gets to work, giving her slow, languid licks, reacquainting himself with her body. Her hand comes up over his head, pushing him into her as she thrusts herself onto his face, taking everything she needs. His hands come up to squeeze her ass, and he groans into her core, setting gooseflesh up across her legs.

"Come for me, Melody, let me taste you." It didn't take much for her to fall apart. She had been right there. She just needed a little push. He laps her up as she whimpers in the wake of her release. Her eyes flutter shut, exhaustion finally seeping into her body.

He gathers her in his arms as she nuzzles into his neck. He lays her on his bed, wraps her in a towel, and tucks her in. After putting on dry boxer briefs, he lays beside her, pulls her body towards him, her back to his chest, the little spoon to his big, and promptly falls asleep.

It was easily the best night he has had in years.

Chapter Twenty- One


Melody wakes to the smell of bacon and giggles filtering through the bedroom door.

Where the heck was she?

Leisurely, Melody looks around, the sleepy feeling still humming through her body, eyes gritty and hard to open.

She finds herself surrounded by unfamiliar furniture, dark wood, and soft white fluffy blankets. Stretching out her body, testing her movements. She was sore, the slow stretch bringing attention to all the right places, and, yep, she was naked.

Like, naked, naked.

She must have knocked out after the shower. Her face flushes with the memory.

The first thing immediately obvious to her was the absolute lack of guilt.

It was freeing. To just live your life the way you want to.

To fuck who you want to and not give a damn what anyone else thinks.

She puts her old dress back on and walks to the kitchen to find Ollie seated at the table eating breakfast and Graham already dressed and ready for work.

"Morning." He says, a cup of coffee in his hands as he leans against the kitchen counter, his powerful legs crossed at the ankle. She licks her lips, her mouth suddenly going dry.

"Morning." She responds, walking up to him, maybe on purpose, leading in as close as she could, softly grazing his chest with her breasts as she reaches for his cup and takes a sip of his coffee.

"Hungry?" He asks her softly, eyeing her as she gives him a long lingering look. Oh yes, she was hungry, alright.

"Always." She responds truthfully.

His laugh turns husky as he watches her sip his coffee. Melody settles onto the barstool next to Ollie while Graham fixes her a plate, setting it in front of her.

"I have my first patient at 10. I can drop you off at Mami’s to get your car. Then we can meet at the showing? Send me the address?"

He starts putting dishes in the dishwasher as she eyes the breadth of his shoulders and the way the muscles in his arms move while doing the most basic of chores. Making everything he does look super hot. Maybe she can get him to do chores without a shirt on?

"Can I help!" Screeches Ollie as he jumps off the chair and rushes to Graham's side.

"Of course, you can, little man." They work together side by side, getting the dishwasher loaded as her phone buzzes from beside her. An unknown number, but it looks local, so she picks up.

"Hello." She answers the phone. "Yes, this is Melody. How can I help?" Yes! They are calling from the school. Okay, act natural.

"Of course. Definitely, I can be there today! What time?" She looks up to find Graham glancing over his shoulder. Inquiry in his gaze. Her voice was probably a few octaves higher than usual due to her excitement. She gives him a thumbs-up and walks toward the hallway to finish the conversation.