Page 74 of Remember Me?

"Yeah." She looks away from him, face flaming red, embarrassed.

"Fuck, Melody.” His hands go to his face again. “I was so rough with you. I needed you so bad. I wasn't gentle. Did I hurt you?"

“I needed you too, Graham. It was perfect exactly what I need. Needed." Her body clenches, the first signs of arousal crashing through her as she remembers that day in the kitchen, his tongue at her core, and the rough way he handled her, thrusting hard at her from behind.

His eyes heat as he lets his eyes wander down to her breasts. Her nipples must be announcing her arousal to the fucking world, considering how intent his gaze was.

"Whatever happened with Duke? Are you two still together?" He asks, his eyes still on her chest. She laughs, bringing his attention back to her face.

"No, definitely not. We haven't been together since before that summer. We remained very close friends, and after you have a baby. Well, that kind of takes over your life. No time for dating or a social life, to be honest. How about you? Anyone special?" She asks, curious about his life and all those girls on his social media account. Maybe she was just a glutton for punishment.

"Nah, no one special. I tried a few times. Nothing stuck." He says dismissively

“What happened? I mean, you're kind of a catch Graham."

He chuckles in a self-deprecating way, shaking his head.

"You don't believe me? Do you really want me to spell it out for you, Graham? Okay then.” Melody shifts her body towards him. “One, you’re hot. Two, you eat pussy like it was your sole purpose in life, and I'm sure it has only gotten better with age and experience. Now that I think about it, that one should definately count as three. Five, you are crazy smart. Six, you have a great job. I could probably go on, but seriously, any woman would be absolutely lucky to have you."

His gaze darkens at her words as he shifts his position to face her.

"Well, I'm going to be completely honest with you, Melody. It's kind of hard to keep a relationship going when every time you have sex with someone, another woman's name flies out of your mouth when you come. As it turns out, most women don't appreciate it, no matter how many orgasms she gets out of it."

"What?" She asks, surely she didn’t hear him correctly. Her body suddenly became very warm.

“Your name, Melody. It’s the first name out of my mouth. Every single time for the past five years. Apparently, it's frowned upon in the dating world to be so absolutely haunted by your ex that you can't climax without picturing her in your head."



Yep, he went there. Way to play your cards right, dumbass. Whatever, he was all in at this point. Right now, he can't think straight, not with her tits right there at eye level.

"Pizzzaaa." A little voice comes careening through the park. "Yes, pepperoni!" he cries out excitedly. Thankful for the distraction before he did something stupid like try to suck her tits in the middle of the damn park like a savage. Although maybe when darkness descends, he could convince her to let him have a taste.

Jesus Christ, you have to stop right now.

"Yeah, buddy, you want a slice?” He asks.

"Yes, please!" He grabs it and dives in with gusto as he and Melody watch him eat.

The silence becomes a little awkward. He knows he has been staring at this kid way too long. But the little human they created is fascinating. A whole lot of him sprinkled with little bits of Melody. His heart just swells with a foreign emotion. Paternal affection, maybe? His heart squeezes a whole lot for Melody, but then again, so does his dick, which has a healthy dose of lust packed in. This feeling was different.

"Who else knows?'' He asks her, wanting to know just what he was getting himself into.

"About Ollie? Or about you?" She asks quietly.

"Me." He answered her, keeping his voice down so Ollie doesn't overhear. He doesn't know a lot about children, but he wanted to make sure he didn't hear something he shouldn’t.

"You don't have to worry, Graham. The only person who knows is Marisol, and she has known since before he was born. Duke might also know, but he is keeping it to himself." She answers, sadness overcoming her features. And even like that, she is breathtaking.

"No one knows, and no one has to." She whispers.

He realizes her line of thought, understanding dawning on him. She thinks he is embarrassed or wants nothing to do with Oliver. If she only knew just how wrong she was. If it had been up to him, he would have scooped them away the second he saw her in the bookstore alcove, whether it was his kid or not.

"I think you may have mistaken my line of questioning." He stands up, walking over to face her. He leans in close, holding her face in his hand, pushing up her chin to face him. Her breath caresses him as he moves his mouth over her ear. "I want the entire world to know we created a life together." He whispers.

"How do you want to do this? I'll let you take the lead." He says to her, still leaning close enough that all she needs is to tip her head a half an inch, and her lips would touch his.