Page 72 of Remember Me?

"No, he was great. A little standoffish, but no, he treated us both very well. But Marisol, he knew the second he laid eyes on Ollie. I don't know what to think. I don't know what he is thinking. Did he say anything to you?" Melody says, confusion and wariness seeping into her bones.

“He sent me a cryptic message about an hour ago, and I have been waiting for you to get back since.” She explains, gesturing wildly in a very Marisol way. “He wrote, ‘You should have told me.’ And then didn't answer any of my calls or messages. Then it dawned on me. He must have caught sight of Ollie. I mean, girl, he looks exactly like Graham.”

Chapter Nineteen


He almost kissed her.

What the hell is wrong with him? He doesn't see Melody for almost six damn years. She hides an entire child from him.

His child.

And all he could think about was how the sunshine framed her face and how her nipples peaked through her tank when she looked at him. He wanted to see if she still tasted the same. Her smell is the same, just like he remembered; vanilla and coconut.

He got caught up in the moment, they made a human together, and Oliver was more perfect than he could have ever imagined. Graham just wanted to pull her into his arms and tell her how good she did raising their boy. But he didn't, he pulled away just in time, before he could make a mistake.

They haven't resolved anything. She lied to him.

A big fucking lie.

He wouldn't let his dick do the thinking anymore. He was a grown man now, a different man. He wasn't going to make the same mistakes he made when he was, still for all intents and purposes, a horny teenager. They have a child together, and that needs to be resolved first.

Sitting at his desk, the little toy dinosaur in his hand, he smiles. He had never given any thought to having children. He was too driven for that. Trying to establish himself, to prove to himself, to everyone, that he was enough.

Setting that dino on the desk, he clears out a spot for it front and center and takes a picture of it for his wallpaper.

There is a slight tap on the door. "Come on in." He says absently.

"Hey, Dr. Stevens," Kim says from the door. She works the front desk, but he tries to avoid her at all costs.

Looking around the room, he realized that there really was no escape. He made the mistake of giving her some attention at an office Christmas party. In his defense, he was drunk and doesn’t remember it moving past a conversation. But she swears they kissed.

He doubts that very much, she wasn’t his type and he doesn’t kiss any of dates.

He just fucks them.

He isn't looking for anything, and she is definitely not what he is looking for. His tastes run a little older and curvier, with creamy skin.

Focus dumbass.

"Who was that lady that came in, the one with the kid? She isn't on the books, and well, I saw you with her in the parking lot." She asks, with a bit of a bite in her words.

"Kimberly, it's really none of your business who she is."

"Well, if we are going to be seeing other people, then you need to tell me." He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. This situation is so stressful.

"Kim, I'm not seeing you at all. We have been over this." God, he wishes they would just fire her.

"I have to go, make sure to file all the charts please, and put them back in their proper place, I don't want to go hunting them down again." He picks up Melody’s file and puts it in his bag. The last thing he needs is for Kimberly to get her hands on Melody’s information. He rushes out the door.

His phone buzzes in his pocket.

Marisol: I’m Sorry.

That's it? That's all she has to say? I’m sorry. Like, that's going to make this all okay? Like that is gonna give him back the five years he lost with his son.

My son. Wow. I have a son.