Page 52 of Remember Me?

“Hey, " she says, hesitating. "You weren't answering your phone. I used the key you gave me to come in and make sure you weren't dead or something.”

Melody blinks.

“Graham left this morning.” Marisol says quietly as she rolls over to her back.

“Yea?” Melody responds, closing her eyes again.

The room is silent for a beat. The only sounds spilling into the room are from the birds outside her window chirping happily away. Business as usual, happy as clams, sunshine, and rainbow or whatever.

She wanted to strangle them.

Breaking the silence, Marisol starts. “You know, Graham had this giant crush on you growing up.” A huge smile graces her face as she speaks. “Everyone knew about it, poor kid." Marisol glances down at her.

She sighs wearily when Melody doesn't react, so she continues.

"Mami told me I shouldn’t make fun of him for it, that you were his first love.” Marisol laughs to herself, rolling her eyes.

“He used to say he was going to marry you one day.” She looks over at Melody, a sad sort of look crosses her face.

“I saw the way he looked at you, Melody. I think he is still crushing- probably harder than he was when he was a kid. "

More silence fills the space, she was waiting for Melody to speak.

She doesn't. There is nothing to say.

“And.” Marisol starts up again, hesitating. “I saw the way you looked at him.”

Tears snake out of Melody’s eyes without restraint now. Silently tracking down her face, taking on a familiar path. One that they had taken many times in the past few hours.

“God, what happened, Melody? I mean I don't want any specifics because, well, gross. But, I mean this in the nicest way but, this room smells like my brother.” She shudders, making sure her hands are crossed over her chest. Pulling a reluctant smile from Melody, but still she remains silent. She doesn't have an answer for her. She doesn't even know what happened, how did they even get here? How did she let it get so far?

“He is a good guy, responsible and dedicated, and for what it's worth as if it wasn't obvious by now. He fucking loves you, Melody.” Marisol says. More tears make their way down her face. “Maybe a little boring if you ask me, but to each his own, I guess.” She adds with a shrug. “You could do way worse than Graham.”

Melody rolls over and closes her eyes once more. Wishing the world would leave her alone. Dreams of strong hands and a gorgeous mouth doing beautiful things to her body fill her brain, making her want to remain in her dreamscape forever.

Chapter Fifteen


Sitting in a conference room with the athletic trainer, his physical therapist, head coach, and assistant coach is overwhelming. The room seems to be getting bigger and bigger and their voices sound farther and farther away with each breath he takes.

He gets the picture, though. It's pretty fucking obvious. This is his exit meeting. Everyone huddles around him, talking about him and his injury like he isn’t even there. They are discussing action plans and his healing timeline and the risks of reinjury, blah blah blah.

There is so much talking. He needs it to stop.

Swimming was his outlet, and he is damn good at it.

Was— He was damn good at it.

Now, they are telling him that he may never swim competitively again. That is what they are saying without saying. They were skirting the big picture, trying to what? Spare his feelings?

Fuck his feelings, fuck their feelings, fuck everything. Fuck everyone. He was done.

He must have made a noise, something to get everyone's attention, something to attract five sets of eyes.

He realized belatedly that he had stood up at some point. He must have pushed the chair back too quickly as it crashed down to the floor behind him. His hands are shaking. He pulls them through his hair and over his face.

They look at him expectantly.