Page 5 of Remember Me?

Duke likes to take care of people. He likes to be the one everyone goes to for help. He likes to be the hero. Melody made the mistake of showing vulnerability and indecision this past year. She gave Duke the wrong impression that she needed to be taken care of.

The truth is, she has been taking care of herself since she was old enough to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at seven years old. She is a hot mess most days, but she is an independent woman, dammit! She curses like a sailor, reads erotica, hates actual people, but loves the characters in her books. She can't make a decision to save her life, but somehow, every decision she makes is also always right. That is who she is.

Needing to lighten things up a bit, she pulls up Marisol’s thread to gossip about Mr. Sexy. Although she and Marisol were not blood-related, they were sisters in every other sense of the word. Melody was there for Marisol’s first period, helped her through her first real breakup, and put her life on the line every time Marisol took the wheel of her car.

Melody: Girl, I have so much to tell you.

Mari: Spill Melly!!!!

Melody: A hot guy bought me a drink.

Melody: Still got it, baby. ;)

Mari: YASSS, how hot? Show me!

Melody: So hot! And no, that's weird.

What did she expect me to do? Take a covert picture of him. What was I, 12?

She chances a glance at him, just tipsy enough to attempt the logistics of an inconspicuous snapshot. She lifts her phone up, ensuring her flash was off because, well, she was a professional like that. She gets in selfie position without actually flipping the camera mode. Pulling Nash into full view, she sees that he is out of his chair and towering over an older woman, maybe in her 70s.

Not being able to make out what he is saying, she strains closer, zooming in with her phone's camera. He has a sweet smile on his face, making conversation with this woman. He starts to gather her things and puts them near his seat. Then, he helps her to a seated position. How cute! Cue the heart clench.

Oh shit. Cue the panic as the zoomed-in face of her hot stranger looks right back at her through her phone, with a knowing smirk on his face. Seemingly getting larger? Her eyes dart up from her phone. Yup, he is making his way towards her.

Quick, hide! She fumbles with her phone, twisting her body, trying to find the closest exit. With no escape in sight, her sluggish brain can only stare as he makes his way towards her.


She gulps audibly. Her eyes close as she breathes in deeply. He is talking to me, isn't he?

“I didn't take a picture of you, I swear.” Melody says, words rushing out of her mouth in a loud whisper. Eyes bulging wide. Nash cocks his head to the side. Contemplating. Then his lips curve into a delicious smile.

“You can take my picture anytime you want.” He moves her stuff, sitting so close to her she can’t breathe. His strong legs brushing against hers. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he leans in close and snaps a selfie. The photo has Melody gazing up at him like a love-sick fool while Nash looks straight at the camera with pouty lips and a noticeable dimple even through his scruff.

“What’s your number, Melody? So I can send you the picture.” An innocently expectant expression on his beautiful face.

Her brain catches up. “Nice try there, buddy. Just air-drop it.” She gives him a condescending smirk. She knows what’s up.

“You can’t fault a guy for trying.” He shrugs and proceeds to air-drop the picture. “We look good.”

Yeah, we did. But she wasn't going to encourage him. She just tucks her phone away after saving it to her camera roll. Nash leans back, making himself at home on her bench, stretching his legs out to line up with hers.

Slightly outraged at the balls on his guy.

“Getting comfortable, I see.” Melody says, eyes squinting, trying to look menacing.

“Well, we have some time to kill. I’d rather spend that time with you than with gamer-boy over there on the next bench.” They both turn towards the bench in question, just in time to hear a string of curse words flying out of a young boy’s mouth. He has very clearly lost this round. His laptop browser was open to a popular video game that her students play, loot strewn across the screen while the victor dances on his grave.

“Ok, I see your point.” They sit in companionable silence for a while, both watching this kid as he mumbles into the mic he has over his head, talking shit with whoever is on the other side.

“So.” Nash starts, breaking the silence. “Talk to me Melody. Where are you heading?” He sinks lower into his seat, bringing her attention back to his legs as they splay open.

“Nashville.” She says, pointing to the large screen by the door. “I'm assuming that's where you’re heading, too? Or are you just stalking me?” Nash lets out a throaty laugh, a deep rumbling that Melody can feel uncurling desire low in her belly.

“No stalking. Promise.” He holds up his hands, mischief flashing in his eyes. Those eyes are so familiar, the color of coffee, expressive with long, sooty, lashes. They feel like, well honestly, they feel like home.

“Do I know you from somewhere?” She asks with a sudden all-consuming desire to unearth where she had last seen those eyes.