Page 46 of Remember Me?

He reaches his hand over to clasp his hand in hers. When she doesn't pull away, his heart flutters in the most ridiculous of ways. He is a grown man, for crying out loud, he doesn't flutter.

Today turned out to be way more fun than he thought it would, even with Max around.

He loves the arcade, and it brings him back to a time that was so much easier to navigate. Max almost had him there at the end, but he chose basketball for the final event, the tie-breaker. Max must have forgotten that Graham had been his varsity basketball team captain for two years. Not that he reminded him of that small little detail, at least not until right before the buzzer rang to start the free throws.

Ultimately, he was the victor in more ways than one, with his hand now holding Melody's in the back of the car. With her near, he can close his eyes and pretend that this was their normal routine. That he could hold her hand anytime he wanted.

Marisol meets his eyes in the rearview mirror. This girl sees too much, but he trusts she won't ruin these stolen moments for him. Growing up, the entire house knew he had been pining for Melody, and he certainly caught a lot of shit from Marisol with her incessant teasing. But even back then, she never outed him to Melody. No one did. They let him have his moments. Maybe they shouldn’t have, considering how it quickly turned into an unhealthy obsession.

He realizes that now. Every girl he ever dated had Melody-like qualities. And boy was it hard to find the right shade of auburn with light brown strands and alabaster skin with a smattering of freckles over her nose.

It was even harder to find the curves he had wanted to be buried in. So he took what he could get, as close as he could get it. In the form of bottle redheads, mostly. Nothing could come close. He doesn't think he has ever been as simultaneously sated and aroused as he has this past month.

It was a completely foreign feeling. Being content for the first time in, well, ever. It was all-consuming. She was all-consuming.

They get home, and Marisol just idles at the curb to let them off.

"Bye bitches, behave." She says as the car pulls out. Puzzled, Melody continues to stare out after Marisol's car.

"Do you think she..." He doesn't let her finish that thought. She would just overthink it and set them back even further.

"Nope." He replies, pulling her into the house.

Mami was in the backyard with a group of neighbors, entertaining as usual. It was pretty late, but the party looked to be in full swing. Music was playing, and laughter filtered through the doorway. His dad rounds the kitchen island, three beers in hand.

"Hey guys." He says, his smile a little too wild and his eyes slightly glazed. He was totally smashed. “Come out and have a beer! The party is just getting started." He wobbles a little.

"I’m okay, Mr. Stevens. I'm just going to go to bed." Melody says with humor, touching her words.

"Yeah, Dad, thanks, but..."

"Oh yes, how could we forget? " he starts. My body is my temple, I'm an athlete, I have goals." His Dad mocks. "It’s okay to let loose once in a while, son. It's good for you, even."

He looks between Nash and Melody, the quiet extending just a little too long. The old man is sensing something.

“Well, hey now, maybe you’re already letting the tiger out of the cage, eh, know what I'm saying?” He laughs at his own joke, swaying. Nash can feel his face heat with embarrassment. He chances a glance at Melody, thankfully she looks amused at his father’s display. He is not the sort of man to let his guard down, so it is nice to see him so free. But lord, did he wish he wouldn’t make any more weird ass innuendos.

"And with that little nugget, I'm going outside.” He waves the beers in the air. “We should be out there for a while longer. Don't wait up." He gives us an exaggerated wink and chuckles to himself as he exits the room on unsteady feet.

"Jesus, that was awkward," Nash says under his breath once his dad was out of sight.

“I thought he was kind of cute.” Melody looks up at him, a ghost of smiles still on her lips. They walk up the steps, creaking slightly under their weight. At the threshold of Marisol’s room, he hesitates by the door. How the fuck does he get her into his bed? This better not be where the night ends for them.

Quickly trying to break the silence, he blurts out in a hyper-feminine, teasing voice,"I had a really great time tonight." He flutters his lashes for the full effect, laughter bursting out of Melody like a breath of fresh air.

"This is pretty weird, isn't it?" she asks, releasing the tension in her shoulders.

"Well, I wouldn't say weird, but maybe a little hopeful?" Nash starts. "It almost feels like a first date. You drop me off and walk me to my door, but secretly I am hoping you'll grab my shoulders, push me into the house and have your naughty way with me." He clutches his heart and sighs dreamily. “I would totally let you, ya know.”

"Oh, you’d let me? How thoughtful.” Melody retorts with a laugh. It was light and airy and in a way that he had never heard her. She was happy.

"That’s me. I am a thoughtful guy.”

"Well, perhaps today is your lucky day." She puts her hands on his chest and stares up at him with hunger. She bites her lips suggestively and leans her chest against his. If he was being honest, his brain was so busy that he missed the telltale signs of amusement she was giving off.

Hindsight being 20/20 and all that shit. His body was getting pretty excited at the possibility that tonight wouldn’t end with him jerking himself off. Gently, she pushes him against the wall and then quickly opens up the door to Marisol's room.

She turns back