Page 35 of Remember Me?

"Stop, " he says vehemently, a hard edge lacing his normally playful tone. "Take off your shirt." The command in his tone gave her pause. Unsure of what was happening, she didn't immediately comply with his demands. He would have sounded less angry if he wanted her to undress for fun times.

"Now, Melody." He gets up, pulling his shirt off his body with one hand. He comes to stand in front of her, looming over her in the darkness. She still doesn't move. She doesn't understand, and if she was being honest, she is a little bit distracted by the dominating presence he radiates. It was new, and she kind of liked it.

His hands skim the bottom of her shirt, which grazes the tops of her thighs. He lifts the hem slightly.

Melody's gaze bolts to the open door, trepidation hitching her breath. He takes the hint and moves to lock the door. They stand together, chest to chest, in the darkness. Gently stroking down her arms, landing on the hem of her shirt again. He pulls it up higher, lifting her arms up over her head, and tugging the shirt off.

She stands there, her bare breasts pushed up against his bare chest, and it is the single best feeling she has experienced. Her softness to his hard. They both stand still, too afraid to move. The darkness emboldens her. She moves her hands up his back, lightly raking her nails against the smooth skin. She can feel the shiver curl up his spine as he releases a groan.

His warmth made her want to burrow in and hide inside him forever. Feeling free in the cover of darkness, she moves her hands over the ridges of his abdomen, up over his chest, stopping at his biceps. His hands caress the sides of her breasts, down the curve of her stomach, resting on her hips.

Nash leans in to breathe her in, and he melts into her embrace. After a few moments, he pulls back, gently encasing her in the shirt he was wearing. It was still warm and smelled distinctly of him.

He moves away from her as a loud tear rents the air.

"There, that's better." He says as he absentmindedly rubs his hands over her body, now wearing his shirt.

“Did you just tear up my sleep shirt?” Melody whispers into the room.

He doesn't answer and pulls her towards the bed, encouraging her to lie down on her side. He jumps over her, deftly landing behind her, his chest to her back. The big spoon to her little.

Melody turns to face him, outlining his face with her hands. In the dark, she can pretend. She can do what she wants and not worry about who he is or what it could cost her to be with him. Or, what would it cost him to be with her?

“What are we doing here, Nash?” She asks.

“Cuddling.” She can feel him smile into her hair.

“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do. I don’t really have an answer for you, Melody, because I don’t really know what we are doing. But I can tell you what I do know." He pulls her face closer to his. "I want to keep doing it.” Even through the darkness she can make out the lines of his face, his eyes honest and true.

“Me too.” She admits after a few seconds. “Are you sure you don't have anyone waiting for you back in California? A girlfriend or something. I refuse to be the other woman. I know all too well how it feels like to be cheated on.” She lets out a breath, the insecurities and feelings of inadequacies streaming back in.

She feels Nash’s finger grip her chin roughly.

“There is no one else for me. Ever.” He says firmly. “Do you remember when I talked about a girl, the one that had my heart long ago? The one that no one had ever come close to topping?"

Melody nodded, unsure of where he was going with this. To be honest, his revelation started well, but things were slipping a bit. She didn’t want to hear about some other girl he loved. Even though she really shouldn't feel that way, she has no claims on him.

He huffs out a laugh. “Stop thinking so hard. I can practically hear it. That girl was you, Melody.”

Melody barks out a laugh. "You really want me to believe that? I don’t even remember the last time I saw you."

He lets out a self-deprecating laugh. “Way to make a guy feel good about himself." He pulls his head down, embarrassed. "I know that, Melody. I understand it even. I was just a kid back then. A kid with an extremely unhealthy obsession with his babysitter. But I have been chasing that feeling for years since then. I hadn’t been able to find it. That is until you sauntered into that bar and brought me back to life.”

Her heart rate accelerates with his confession. He has been harboring these feelings for her for years. YEARS. And she is just barely noticing him now. Should she feel guilty? Does it bother him?

“Stop thinking, Melody. There is nothing weird about our situation. I am just a guy, and you are just a girl. And we are going to cuddle. Now go to sleep.”He gives her a gentle kiss on her forehead and shifts their position so her head rests on his chest.

As she settles in, his fingers curl into her body, and she inhales his scent deeply. This feels nice. With the moonlight streaming in, she can see his face perfectly, sleeping peacefully, and soon, she finds herself drifting off.



The sound of loud thumps and crashing drawers wakes her. She is wrapped in Nash's arms, his hands holding tight to her waist. Back plastered to his chest and ass snugly on his groin. She wiggles around a little, trying to dislodge herself.

She can hear Marisol in her room, stumbling through the dark. Judging by Marisol’s whispered cursing, it was safe to bet that she hadn't realized that Melody was not in bed. She elbows Nash in the ribs, trying to move this giant man, much less pliant in his sleep than when he was awake. He groans loudly but squeezes her tighter to his body, adjusting himself so hard length lines up with core. His hands rove over her body sleepily, thrusting his erection on her ass.