Page 32 of Remember Me?

"Sure, Max, a movie sounds good." She says apprehensively. Honestly, she doesn't think she could sit through an entire meal with him. It feels wrong, but she can do a movie.

"GRAHAM!!!" She hears Marisol shout suddenly from her left, startling her. Still upside down on the lounger that she now shares with Theo, her legs up by his shoulder. Nash looks over at them, eyes growing cold as he takes in their position, with Max's hand resting on her knee.

"Graham! What are you doing tomorrow? We are going to the movies.” She takes her eyes off her brother to land on Max. “Right, Coach Max?” She asks expectantly, looking over at Melody with a wink.

She gives Marisol a grateful smile in return. She hadn't even realized Marisol was keeping tabs on her conversation. She was more observant than anyone gave her credit for. She must have noticed Melody's apprehension.

"Well.” Max hesitates. “Melody and I were going to dinner and a movie tomorrow." His hand was still on her leg.

Nash comes up to stand behind her lounger, his hands on either side of her head as she looks up at him.

"Were you now?" Nash asks, her voice low. His eyes never leave Max's hand resting on her leg.



He has never been prone to violence, not really.

He was more of a slow, roiling boil. Then he would burn it off in the pool and feel better.

The emotions threatening to erupt from him right at this moment, however, is something he had yet to experience.

Max was a good guy, but Max was going to lose a hand today.

He needed to find a way to remove said hand from Melody’s leg without being too obvious. The conversation around him continued. He could hear Max and Marisol going through the different movie show times and thoughts on the previews.

He didn't care. His entire being was now consumed with searching for something, anything he could use to get Melody out of that chair.

He finds his solution sitting in a large insulated bowl where water and sodas cool in a tub of ice.

So what does he do? The answer was obvious of course.

Nash reaches over to collect an ice cube from that tub. Then he lets it drop right over Melody’s shoulder. What did he hope to accomplish, you ask? It was a childish move, but he was hoping it would freak her out enough to jump out of the damn lounger and away from Max’s grubby little fingers.

Needless to say, it backfired.

That ice cube ran over her shoulder, down her chest, and right between her breasts, making her nipples peak and goosebumps break out all over her flesh. Sexy as hell, but definitely not the reaction he was hoping for. Melody's sharp hiss as the ice hit her body was enough to draw Max's unwanted gaze to her body. His eyes linger on her peaked nipples as he softly rubs at the goosebumps on her leg.

Okay, that's enough of that.

At this point, he really couldn’t stop himself. He didn’t want to make a scene, but he’d be damned if he let Max put his hands on her again.

Pulling Melody roughly up off the lounger, fireman style, hands on her ass as he stomps his way to the edge of the pool. Giving her backside a quick pat as punishment for letting Max touch her, he tosses her into the now empty pool, quickly following her in, you know, just in case she needed to be rescued.

So maybe this wasn't strictly rational, but in his defense, what he really wanted to do was carry her up to his room and do filthy things to her with an ice cube. This really was the safest option. After looking around and noticing all the stares he was garnering from his family, this was the only option. He was rousing enough suspicion as it was. He really needed to reign it in.

Marisol, bless her heart, jumps into the pool after him with a shriek, followed quickly by Theo. Jen stands by the pool, eyes shrewdly calculating. Max is still sitting on the lounger, not entirely understanding what he saw, or what just happened, or why, for that matter.

Nash smirks at Max as he looks back at him, head slightly cocked as if he is just now realizing that coming for Melody was going to be a little more complicated than he initially thought. Max had to get through him first, and Nash was a determined little shit. He wasn't afraid of a little hard work. He had been working towards goals his entire life, after all.

Game on Max.

Nash winks, blows Max a kiss, and then dives back underwater. He comes up with Melody on his shoulder, only to toss her back in the water as she squeals in delight the entire time.

Chapter Ten
