Page 30 of Remember Me?

These moments with him were more intimate than anything she had ever experienced in her past, not even with Duke. She’d had sex, of course, but this was different. There was an undercurrent of mutual trust that she had never given to anyone. She trusted Nash to hold her, to give her pleasure, to not let her fall or hurt. She knew instinctively that what they shared was special, even though it had to be temporary.

This situation was not ideal. She was still coming to terms with it all, and was not ready for the backlash of being with a younger man, especially if that younger man was the neighbor's kid she babysat for his entire childhood! The more she thinks about it, the deeper her stomach drops.

"I don't know Nash.” She looks up at him. "I just don't know." He kisses her shoulder, a moment of contemplative silence between them.

"Well,” giving her neck a slow kiss, letting his mouth linger as he speaks. “I think you should put on a suit and come swim with me."

He smiles genuinely. “Come on.” He unfolds his body, pulling her up with him. He gives her bare chest a long look, then reluctantly pulls up her top. He gives her a little smile, dimple peeking out before he begins rummaging through the drawers in search of a bathing suit.

Turning to her in triumph. "This one." He smiles devilishly with tiny scraps of cloth in each hand, tags still in place. "Your ass, in this little thing." Giving an exaggerated groan as he gives into his imagination.

The emotions on his face flit from elation to something akin to rage, face morphing quickly, smile fading into a deep frown.

"Nope, not happening.”

He keeps looking, rummaging through the piles of swimsuits, his frustration mounting with every slip of fabric that falls from his hands.

"Why the hell are they all so small?” The look on his face is crazed, frenzied almost, as he runs his hand aggressively through his hair. “I can barely keep my hands off you as it is!” He continues mumbling to himself, pacing back and forth.

“Hey now, slow down a little, Nash.” She moves towards him, taking the scraps of fabric out of his hands and putting them back into a drawer.

“Why don't you get some trunks and meet me outside? I'll find something." She puts her hand on his arm, trying to steady him. He seems agitated and restless. She pushes a little harder, one hand splayed in the middle of his chest, applying deep pressure. That seems to get his attention. His eyes soften as they move over her.

"I'm sorry, Melly.” He starts as he walks to the bench, shoulders heavy, plopping down in exasperation, his head cradled in his hands.

“You must think I'm some kind of possessive jackass. I just… I lose it thinking of someone else touching you, even if it's just with their eyes. And you know Max will be looking." She walks over to him then, leaning her forehead to his. She desperately wanted to pull his mouth to hers, to soothe away his uncertainty, but instead, she kept her forehead firmly planted against his, eyes closed.A kiss right now would mean so much more than just a kiss. It would mean defining the relationship in a way that Melody wasn't ready for. Not yet, maybe not ever. She is desperately trying to make their inevitable separation as painless as possible for both of them.

He inhales deeply, taking a steadying breath before pushing himself off the bench and over to another cabinet. She watches him, fascinated with his movements, as he confidently pulls out a pair of swim trunks and, without any hesitation at all, yanks his shorts down, his erection bobbing out without shame.

Her eyes go wide.

"Sorry, I can't help it. If you’re within a fifty-foot radius, he wants to play." He smiles sheepishly. Putting on his swim trunks, he tucks himself into the waistband as she watches him from her perch on the ottoman. Her mouth suddenly dry. Maybe the party can spare them for another few minutes.

As if sensing her thoughts, he pulls her into another embrace, her hands over his chest. She can’t help but run her hand over the hard ridges as Nash’s eyes close, and a satisfied sigh escapes his lips.

"I'll see you by the pool, Melody.”



Leaving Melody in that room was the hardest thing he had ever done. He just wanted to sit there, with her in his arms for the rest of the evening. Even now, he can feel the shift in the energy around him the farther away he gets from her. It’s like there is an emptiness in his body that can only be filled by her presence, her laughter… her touch.

Unfortunately, he knew it was only a matter of time before Jen called in the cavalry, trying to find him. She is a very resourceful woman, and he didn’t want to give Melody the chance to back out of their arrangement prematurely. He wasn’t naive. He knew the stakes. He knew where they stood and how close it was coming to an end. He just wanted to let it play out a little longer, that’s all.

He sees Max wandering around the backyard searching for something, or someone if he had to guess. Throwing a cocky smirk his way, he walks right up to Max.

"Looking for something?" He asks as Max approaches him.

"Yeah, but don't worry, I found her," Max responds distractedly, his voice tapering off as his gaze locks in on something over his shoulder. His eyes darken, and a salacious grin pulls at the ends of his stupid mouth.

"Jesus Christ, look at the ass on that girl.” Max bumps Nash’s shoulder with a fist. “I can't believe she’s single." Max mutters at him as he makes his way over to Melody.

Damn, she did look extra beautiful right now, her skin still flushed, long hair pulled up in a ponytail, exposing her beautiful neck and shoulders. Her ass looks fantastic from this angle. She is facing away from them, walking towards the pool. It seems she had, in fact, found a more modest suit, but nothing could hide those curves.

He finds himself gravitating towards her, his feet moving of their own accord. Unfortunately, it seems he is not the only one tethered to Melody’s orbit, and Max is hot on his heels. Sensing their approach, she turns her body.

"Hi, guys." She says, her smile faltering, clearly uncomfortable with finding them both standing so close to her. From this angle, Nash has a great view of the swells of her breasts, and right there, peeking out of the top of her left breast is the telltale mark of his bite. Seeing his mark on her flesh stirs something primal in him, making him possessive and growly.