Page 27 of Remember Me?

Melody wanted to kick her, but somehow, she refrained. As far as wearing a bathing suit to her party, that idea was not as far-fetched as it may seem. Marisol hated the way most fabric felt on her skin, so she usually opted to wear as little as possible. She pulled it off, though, in a way only someone with extreme confidence could.

“What’s got you all hot and bothered Melody?” Asks Marisol, slipping the straw from her strawberry milkshake into her mouth. “I can feel your brain thinking all the way over here and it's totally bumming me out.”

Melody sighs into her brownie, shrugging her shoulders, unsure of how much she should disclose. Obviously, she wasn’t about to confide in Marisol just how much time she had spent thinking about her brother. They were close, but even then, some lines should not be crossed.

“Your mom invited Coach Max to the barbecue. Did you know that?” Deciding to stick to something close to the truth.

“No way! Coach Hottie? Nice.” She reaches over the table for a high five. “Why do I get the dorky boys, like Peter, and you get a hunky man’s man. That’s it! I’m filing a complaint with the manager!” She laughs it off, knowing full well that Ms. Rosa is trying to reel Marisol’s wild streak in by introducing steady young men. Unfortunately for Ms. Rosa, Marisol can corrupt even the most mild-mannered gentleman.

“What’s wrong with Peter? He seemed nice.” Melody probes.

“He is nice, but oh, so boring.” She huffs, blowing hair out of her face. “Is it really so hard to find though? I mean, I’m not asking for much here, just a gorgeous guy with a little bit of a dark side.” She winks dramatically, licking her lips. “And who only has eyes for me, of course, someone who will do anything just to please me, the world be damned?” Marisol sighs dreamily. Honestly, that guy probably doesn't exist.

“How about you, Melody? What is your perfect ask? What kind of man are you asking Santa for his year?” Marisol giggles to herself, obviously enjoying the conversation topic. This isn't something Melody had ever really considered. She never stopped to think about what her perfect mate would look like, what he would feel like, or how he would make her feel.

“Mmmm, let’s see,” She settles into her seat, thinking out loud. “I’m thinking tattoos and a gorgeous mouth… with a voice that makes my body shiver when he leans in close and an intensity in his gaze that makes it absolutely apparent that I, alone, am the most desirable woman in the room to him. I want to be thoroughly and unequivocally consumed by his desire for me.”

Yup, that’s exactly what she wants. To feel desired, wanted. She might have used Nash to fuel her imagination, but he brought out feelings that had been so buried by her people-pleasing nature that she forgot she actually had desires and needs.

She wanted to be someone’s everything, and the way Nash looked at her like she was the single most important person in his world, that was what she wanted. So, as of right now, he was her ideal, and if she could only find him in a slightly older package with no shared background or baggage, then he would be perfect.

Who am I kidding? He is perfect- just not perfect for me.

“Okay, I amend my previous description,” Marisol announces. Let’s get you consumed, girl!” She laughs as she pulls Melody out of her chair.

Nash: Don't wear anything underneath.

Nash: For me?

Nash: Please.

Nash: I am asking nicely. ;)

His messages roll in one right after the other. He must have just finished up his last lesson of the day. It was already after 6 p.m., and after getting home from shopping with Marisol, most of her afternoon had been spent replaying her last conversation with Nash in her head.

Did he mean it? Could he really just be Nash to her until she was ready to accept Graham? If she would ever be ready. She knew their relationship if you could call it that, had an expiration date, but she loved the feel of his touch. He made her feel desired and sexy. Something she hadn’t felt in quite some time.

She looks back at her phone. Should she? She contemplates, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth. She did say she would try. After giving herself a little mental pep talk, she smiles, excitement coursing through her as she makes her decision.

She pulls her panties off her legs, putting them in her bag just in case it's windy. Can’t have her bits on display for everyone to see.

It was a beautiful evening. The trees provided just enough shade for the cool breeze to tickle her exposed skin. She chose a flowy black strapless dress. Cotton, with a built-in bra, so she didn't have to worry about it when they inevitably went swimming.

Using the side gate, she lets herself in, the distinctive scent of burning wood on the grill filling the air with invitation. Splashes from the pool and idle chatter draw her forward. Marisol and Theo are in there splashing each other with water, using pool noodles as swords. She smiles at their antics. Happy that Marisol has Theo around this summer, although it may be their last few weeks together once Marisol heads out for school. She gives Marisol an exaggerated wave, letting her know she will be going inside to help Rosa set up.

She can hear the low murmur of voices coming from inside. The large glass French doors are ajar, leading straight into the kitchen. Max seems to have made himself useful, carrying a large serving platter outside. She steps aside, opening the door for him.

"They put you to work, I see." She smiles up at him. He looks completely lost, holding the platter and wearing an apron that very obviously belongs to Rosa.

"Hey, Melody! Am I glad to see you," he replies. "Can you grab the spatula out of my back pocket?" He turns his body, bending over slightly to make the pocket more accessible.

"Are you trying to get me to touch your ass, Max?" She teases automatically, moving behind him to grab the spatula out of his pocket. He leans into her conspiringly.

"Am I that obvious?" He teases back. A happy grin transformed his face. He is handsome, but with that smile, he could probably stop traffic. A tickle of awareness hits her as she smiles back at Max. Her head shoots up, feeling the weight of a heavy stare on her back. She shifts her body to look towards the threshold of the door she just opened, spatula in hand.

Nash leans against the back of the couch, arms folded, shirt stretched over his chest. His eyes hooded, a burning stare directed right at her.

"I'm going to go inside to say hello to everyone. I'll see you later, Max." She says, her eyes never leaving Nash.