I feel the telltale tingle at the base of my spine, but I want to make every second count. Everything about this feels so right. I never want it to end.
I clench every muscle in my body, but I can’t hold back. I pull out as ropes of cum shoot out of me, aiming downward and painting her belly with my seed.
Ava’s whole body is flushed and glistening, and the bitter taste of venom coats the back of my tongue. Everything inside me is screaming to sink my fangs into her delicate flesh and claim her the way all shifters do — with the mating bite.
I give myself a shake to clear my head. I’ve had too much to drink. Ava can’t really be my mate. She’s human, for crying out loud.
But as I flop down on the covers and pull my angel tight against me, one word keeps pinging around in my head.
Chapter Five
I awake with a foreign soreness between my legs. It’s a dull, pleasant kind of ache, and it’s not one I’ve ever felt before.
My mouth is dry, and my temples are throbbing, but the hangover isn’t bothering me. I’m warm and naked and pressed up against —
Heart thudding, I peel my eyes open as the memories come crashing back to me. Muted morning sunlight is filtering in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, illuminating the soft gray color scheme of Garrett’s bedroom.
His arm is locked possessively around my waist, and the hard bar of his erection is pressed against my back.
I smile as I remember the tender way Garrett touched me when he took my virginity, and the ache between my legs takes on a sweet new meaning.
I’m no longer a virgin.
Replaying the previous night, it all feels like an incredible dream. Garrett striding toward me at the nightclub and kissing me in front of everyone. Garrett giving me a mind-blowing orgasm and then laying me down on his bed and making love to me.
The mere memory sends a fresh gush of heat surging between my legs. My skin feels suddenly much too hot, and I have to stop my treacherous hips from grinding against his erection.
My body is aching for a repeat of last night, and yet I can’t shake the sinking feeling in my gut.
In two weeks, ski season will be over, and my lease will be up. I’ll leave Aspen and move to Denver, where a friend of a friend set me up with a well-paying waitressing job. I’ll find something else when I get there, and after that, I leave for Asia.
I have every week of my life planned perfectly leading up to September first, when I board the plane for Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. All my classes will be over. I’ll finally have my diploma. There’ll be nothing holding me here.
Up until this moment, I’d been prepared to make a clean break. But my feelings for Garrett complicate things.
I still don’t even know his last name, but after our night together, I know that if he asked me to stay, I would.
I would stay despite the years of hard work that have brought me to this point.
I would stay despite all the disgusting toilets I’ve had to clean to be able to afford this trip.
I would stay, even though traveling the globe has been my dream ever since I was a little girl.
My mom let a man derail everything she’d ever worked for. She dropped out of college and gave up her dream of becoming a marine biologist so she could afford to take care of me.
We’ve both worked too hard and sacrificed too much to throw it all away.
Carefully peeling Garrett’s arm off me, I slip out of bed and cast around for my clothes. I find my borrowed dress lying in a heap on the carpet, inside out from when Garrett peeled it off my body. I turn it right side out and shimmy into it, picking my underwear and heels off the floor.
Pulling up the ride-share app on my phone, I request a ride and slip quietly out of Garrett’s room. Sunlight is casting down the hardwood floor from a window at the very end of the hall, and I realize I didn’t get a good look at his place last night.
The walls are lined with what appear to be original works of art. Thick wool rugs cover the hardwood floors, and an antique vase accents the spindly little table at the top of the staircase.