“I’m so happy,” I tell her. “You have no idea.”
“Are you sure?” she asks. “You’re not just saying that? Because we only just started dating, and we’re still getting to know one another —”
I silence her with a kiss. She tastes like chocolate and Chinese food, which is a surprisingly appealing combination on Alex.
We sink down onto the top step in a tangle of limbs, Alex’s scent all around me. In this moment, I want to kiss her and fuck her and claim her all over again, but I also want to be sensitive to whatever she’s going through.
Learning she’s going to be a mother — that we’re going to have a baby — must have been quite the shock.
I pull back, searching her tear-streaked face. “How are you really?”
“I’m good,” she whispers, tears filling her eyes as she nods. “I want this baby . . . as long as you’re okay with speeding up our plan.”
I grip her face — needing her to understand. “Absolutely,” I growl, pushing a few stray hairs behind her ear. “Alex, you’re my mate. A family with you is all I ever wanted.” I crack a tender smile. “And I know you’re going to make an amazing mother.”
At those words, Alex’s face crumples in a fresh sob. “You really think so?” she sniffles.
“Yes.” I grip her harder, wishing I could somehow show her exactly how much I love and adore her.
Then I remember the ring in my pocket, and my heart does a funny little skip.
I had the whole proposal planned down to the dessert, but this feels right. I don’t think there will ever be a better time than the moment Alex made me the happiest man alive.
Kneeling on the step below her, I reach into my pocket and pull out the ring. It’s a simple princess cut on a rose-gold band — simple and gorgeous, like my mate. I wanted to buy her the biggest diamond I could find, but I knew she wouldn’t want anything ostentatious.
Alex goes very still when she sees the ring, her eyes widening when she realizes.
“Alex Larson, I loved you the moment I saw you, and my love for you has grown every day since. Will you make me the happiest man alive twice in one evening and be my wife?”
There’s a long moment of stunned silence. Then a little whimper of surprise escapes her, and she shakes her head as fresh tears well up in her eyes.
Another jolt of horror slams into my stomach, and for a second, I think I might be sick.
What was I thinking? It’s too soon. She just found out she’s going to be a mother, and I dumped this on her, too.
But then Alex bobs her head, happy tears spilling down her cheeks. “Yes! Of course I’ll marry you.”
Relief surges through me as Alex catapults herself into my chest, wrapping her arms around my neck. She’s still crying when she pulls back, and it takes me a moment to slide the ring onto her trembling finger.
Cupping her small hand in my own, I bring it to my lips and plant a kiss on top of it. I can’t believe this amazing female is my mate and that my pup is growing in her belly. Now she’s going to be my wife.
Before Alex walked into my office, I was the man who had everything — and nothing that mattered. Now I have the only thing I ever needed and the one thing I never knew I wanted: the love of my beautiful mate.