“Our newest endeavor, HealthyU, is an AI medical diagnostic and protocol tool that analyzes all the latest research, along with the data of millions of patients, to create the treatment plan with the likeliest outcome of success. It allows providers to make informed decisions rapidly, in a field where hours and days matter.
“As you know, we recently became aware that one of HealthyU’s patients passed away due to a rare complication that resulted from the use of prescription medication that the AI was unaware of. Rest assured, my team is looking at every possibility to ensure that HealthyU is safe and effective, but today our hearts are with the patient’s family.”
Rafael takes a deep breath. “McKayla Neilson wasn’t just a patient. She was someone’s daughter. Someone’s sister. Someone’s fiancé. When I was deciding how best to respond to this tragedy, I knew I should be thinking about how to reaffirm that HealthyU is safe — how to instill confidence in our product and MatchAI as a whole. However . . . I kept thinking about how I would want this company to respond if this happened to a member of my own family.”
Rafael’s gaze drifts over the crowd until his eyes lock on mine. I shiver at the intensity of his stare, which seems to root me to the spot.
“To McKayla’s family, I want to offer my deepest condolences. Nothing I say will bring her back, but I hope it will give you some comfort to know that her death will have meaning. We will be using her case to inform everything we do moving forward in an effort to make sure that doctors have all the information they need to give patients like McKayla the best fighting chance. My thoughts and prayers are with you this week.” Rafael draws his gaze back to the press. “Thank you.”
The crowd erupts as Rafael steps away from the podium, and my chest feels as though it might burst.
Part of me can’t believe he actually read my speech. The other part can’t comprehend how I ever thought of Rafael as some cold unfeeling CEO.
This is a man who feels everything deeply. He’s ruthless and exacting because he genuinely wants what’s best for his company and his family. Rafael loves fiercely, and I may have lost him forever.
Suddenly, I know I can’t walk away. I need to speak to Rafael — to beg for one more chance. If I don’t, I know I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.
I start shoving my way through the crowd, my desperation mounting with every step. Rafael has already disappeared inside the building. The chief communications officer is frantically trying to field questions from the press, and it’s difficult to get by.
Finally, though, I reach the front doors — only to find my path blocked by Vivian.
“Alexandra,” she says, her voice full of an arctic chill that makes my heart sink to my knees.
“Please, Vivian. I need to speak to him. It’s important.”
“I’m sure it is,” says Vivian tartly. “But Mr. Cabrera Garcia is on his way to a meeting and has asked not to be disturbed.”
I swallow. I should have known that it was useless to try to get five minutes with the most in-demand CEO in America — especially when he probably has my picture posted behind the security desk.
Vivian lets out a long-suffering sigh, looking me up and down. “However, Mr. Cabrera Garcia has agreed to meet with you.”
At those words, my heart lifts, and I have the sudden urge to throw my arms around Vivian’s bony neck and kiss her on the cheek.
The woman gives me an odd look, and I manage to resist. “You can wait for him in his office.”