Page 95 of My High Horse Czar


“You already know that my dad and I have fought for years,” Gavriil says. “He wants me to get married and take over the family business.”

“I get that,” I say. “If I had a family business, I’d want that too, probably.”

“But the woman I fell for likes horses,” he says. “The only time I ever saw her was at races.” His eyes are utterly serious.

I’m worried he’s talking about me. “I told you, Gav. I don’t date.”

He sighs. “I know, and I know why, too. But you’ve known me for years. I’m not like other guys. I’m kind and caring. I’m smart, and I’m a good person. Thanks to my dad, I’m also rich. Which means I can support you in any horse stuff you want to do.”

Quicksilver lunges at the side of the stall, hitting it so hard that the entire wall shakes.

Gavriil jumps to his feet, upending his stool, and swears loudly. “What’s wrong with him?”

“He’s tem—”

“Temperamental, yes, I’ve heard.” He flips Quicksilver off with both hands. “I hate you, you stupid jerk of a horse. I’m glad you’re stuck in that stall, and I hope you choke on your grain and die.”

I can’t help laughing.

“I know you’re about to race him,” he says. “But even that makes me nervous. He’s not safe—there’s something wrong with him.”

“I think I’ll be alright.” I shove my hand through the slats, and Quicksilver presses his face against my fingers.

“Why doesn’t he ever bite you?” he asks.

“I think he loves me.” I expect the massive grey to snort or shake his head or do that half-laugh thing he does.

But he just rubs his head against my hand and whickers.

“I think he does love you,” Gavriil says slowly, like realization is dawning. “It’s like he’s jealous that I’m even here, which I know is nuts, but that horse acts like a man.” He frowns. He blinks. And then he turns toward me slowly, his eyes narrowed. “Adriana.” Just as I think he’s going to figure it out, he shakes his head and laughs. “Never mind.”

Gavriil is really, really smart. He was right about that. Even after several days with Quicksilver, I didn’t come close to suspecting the truth. But I’m also smart. Smart enough to know by now that Alexei isn’t really in love with me. He hasn’t done a single flirty thing or made any kind of move since our talk—since he told me his mom wanted a princess for him. Anything he might have felt at the start, when he’d been isolated for so long, was short-lived.

Other than our shared love for horses, we aren’t a good match.

“Gav, I know you’re a good person. I can’t believe you came all this way, though. You and I aren’t—”

He takes my free hand in both of his. “Don’t just reject me without thinking about it, because we’re perfect. You’re tempestuous and exciting. My dad and mom set me up with women all the time, but you’re the only person I ever think about. You’re brilliant and fast and furious. I love that about you. I always have. And I have the resources to give you a million horses like this one, but they’ll be well trained and not at all temperamental.”

Quicksilver freezes, his nostrils flaring, his face poked through the stall slats.

“Marry me, Adriana. Move with me to Russia. Let me take care of you, and I promise I’ll always let you run as wild and free as you like.”

“How touching,” Mr. Rimkus says.

I yank both my hands away, ball them into tight fists, and shove them down at my sides. “I thought you were coming tomorrow.”

“I wanted to touch base today,” Mr. Rimkus says. “And I’m glad I did.” He arches one eyebrow at Gavriil. “Who is this dashing prince charming?”

“He’s no one,” I say.

“I’m her boyfriend,” Gavriil says. “Who are you?”

“What is it about this woman?” Mr. Rimkus asks. “Why are all the men around you perpetually in heat?” His smile twists. “I don’t normally fancy small, thin twigs like you, but I find myself almost hoping you lose the race next week. Far be it from me to join the ranks of your pathetic suitors, but I feel the need to research the object of such obsession.”

“What’s he talking about?” Gavriil’s scowling.