Page 59 of My High Horse Czar

The house is so massive that I thought I didn’t hear them, but maybe they went outside. I think back to how we found that side door, and then I retrace my steps, and sure enough, there it is. I’m pretty proud of myself when I burst through it.

And I’m even prouder when I hear them, just on the other side of the large azalea bushes Alexei wilted and then revived. I open my mouth to call Mirdza when I hear my name.

“—Adriana really won’t do it?”

“She doesn’t like to be forced,” Mirdza says. “She’s always been like that. She may change her mind, but only if she gets to make that decision.”

That’s true enough. It’s a little embarrassing to hear my sister telling them how bullheaded I am, but I know she means well.

“Let’s assume she doesn’t come around,” Kristiana says. “How would we do things?”

“It’s one less person to defend,” Alexei says.

Alexei’s there? One less person to defend? He won’t be able to use his powers if I don’t agree to help. Why isn’t he more keen than everyone else on convincing me?

He should be pushing, but I realize that he hasn’t.

Not once.

“I think the plan’s the same either way,” Grigoriy says. “We can plan out a few times that it’ll look like Kristiana’s off on her own, like if there’s a problem with the catering, or if one of the flower girls gets lost or something. Then we can make sure that Alexei or I are close, ready to put out any fires that may spring up.”

“Air’s everywhere, but we need water close enough for you to use it,” Mirdza says. “Right?”

“Water’s everywhere too.” Alexei lifts his hands, and water molecules from the air coalesce, just like they did earlier today. He brings his hands together and they form into a ball. “But even if it wasn’t, guests will be holding drinks, and sweating, and the food will have water in it I can steal if necessary.” He shrugs. “It’ll be fine. Believe me.”

It feels like someone just slapped me in the face.

I’m not standing anywhere near them, and I’m certainly not touching him, and Alexei just used his magic, and no one’s the least bit surprised. I think about just storming off. I mean, that’s what I ought to do. There’s no point in confronting them.

Except that’s who I am.

I’m the kind of person who’s categorically unable to pretend that I don’t know something.

“Why did you lie to me?” I ask softly.

Even in the moonlight, every single head turns toward my voice.

“Adriana?” Mirdza asks.

“What’s the point of telling me that he needs my help?” I shake my head. “Is this all some kind of bizarre ongoing setup? Because that’s sick.”

“It’s not like we weren’t going to tell you,” Kris says. “We just—”

I hold up my hand. “Never mind. It’s not like I can believe anything you say.” I turn around and race back to my room.

Only this time, I really do feel blue when I get there.


My identification arrives by courier early the next morning—it’s on the entry table in the basket marked ‘mail.’ I should have an adult conversation with my sister and her bestie. I should hash things out, but. . .

I just don’t want to.

They lied.

I pick a fight with my Yandex Taxi driver on the way to the airport. I practically come to blows with a passenger who tries to tell me that I’m boarding too early. And then, when the person next to me spills orange juice on my new shirt, I’m so angry that I shake.

Clearly I need to get myself under control.