Page 86 of Four Night Stand

It’s official. She’s a goner.

She sits at a table and brings up the group chat with Tori and Cat, but barely gets through the missed messages from last night before someone stops by her table.

‘Julianne. I was hoping to see you.’

She looks up to see James McCarthy, patched jacket and glasses on, carrying a plate of eggs and sausages.

‘Good morning, Mr McCarthy.’ She places her phone on the table. ‘You were?’

‘James, please. I wanted to offer my congratulations on your presentation. I found it very engaging.’

‘Thank you, James,’ Jules says. ‘I was worried I might have rushed a little through the research development justification section.’

‘Not at all, at least not in my opinion. I’m sure Ms Liu will be very proud of you.’

‘Thank you. And thank you for sending those files through. I looked over them again. Really fascinating stuff.’

‘I’m glad you think so. I know it’s not a particularly attractive area for a lot of people.’

As he talks, an idea takes shape, looking like another opportunity for Jules to grab. Maybe she can practise the whole confidence thing and being honest about what she wants before doing it with Cameron this afternoon. She doesn’t want to choke in front of him again.

Cameron was confident enough to leave Cable when he knew it wasn’t right for him. She thought she didn’t have it in her to do the same with Infinity, but if being with him this week has shown her anything, it’s that she’s more confident than she thought. She can step outside her comfort zone if she tries hard enough. The rewards are out there waiting.

‘Would you like to join me?’ she asks James, gesturing to the empty seat.

‘You’re not waiting on anyone?’

She shakes her head and James places his plate and mug of tea on the table and folds himself into the seat.

Jules is hit with a sudden attack of the ants, so she takes a breath around the lump in her throat and eases into the conversation with a question about something from her presentation. James is as enthused and engaging one-on-one as he was in front of a crowd, and quickly, the ants are forgotten in the flurry of excitement in her brain. Lightbulbs flicking on one after the other as she parries intellectually with James. They talk for twenty minutes, she’s surprised to see after glancing at the clock on the back wall.

‘Can I ask?’ she says, riding a wave of enthusiasm, ‘I was looking at your website yesterday, and there weren’t any job listings. Is there a way I can get an alert when something comes up?’

‘Ah.’ James removes his glasses to clear the lenses on his sweater. ‘You’re interested in working for the company, are you?’

‘Yes. Potentially.’ Saying the word is exhilarating. ‘I think your ethos is fantastic. I’d love to be part of that.’

‘Hmm. Well.’ He slides his glasses back on and folds his hands atop the table. ‘You’re located in Canberra, if I’m not mistaken?’

‘I’m in Canberra.’

‘Unfortunately, we don’t have offices there, or plans to open a branch any time soon.’

‘Oh.’ Jules swallows. ‘Of course. It was wishful thinking to ask.’

‘Not necessarily. There will be something opening up soon, though … Would you consider moving to Sydney?’

‘I …’ Pinpricks dig into her skin. Move? Leave Canberra? Her friends? Cameron?

She’s getting ahead of herself with that last one, but all the rest are valid. Yes she’s ready to leave Infinity, but moving to Sydney is a big change. There’s stepping outside her comfort zone, and then there’s crawling inside a canon and shooting herself so far away she doesn’t see the zone anymore.

‘I know that’s a big question to drop on you with no warning,’ James says, understanding in his eyes.

‘It is, yes, and honestly, it’s not something I’ve considered.’

She takes a beat to do it now. The thought of returning to the office after this week is uninspiring. And it’s not only the Cameron stuff, it’s the work stuff too. These talks have reignited her passion and having experienced that electric thrill again, she doesn’t want to give it up. Infinity saps her energy, she can see that now. Working somewhere like James’s company could boost it.

No risk, no reward.