Page 26 of Four Night Stand

He spins to press Jules against the mirrored wall, hands on her hips. She moves smoothly with him. If this is a precursor to what it’ll be like in the bedroom, Cameron can’t wait. He’s already getting hard and they’ve barely done a thing. The illicitness, the reprieve from having to deny this physical connection with Jules, it’s heady like the scent of hot chocolate on a winter’s day.

He breathes deeply, smelling Jules’s fruity shampoo. She stares up at him, eyes bright and clear, a smile soft on her lips and her fingers curled into the bottom of his shirt. She looks like everything he’s ever wanted. Every opportunity, every long weekend, every dessert. He wants to taste. He’s only got a few days with Jules and he doesn’t want to waste a second.

He leans in but Jules throws a hand against his chest.

‘Wait,’ she says.

‘Yes?’ He pulls back.

‘Shouldn’t there be more, I don’t know, flirting? Gaging of interest? Aren’t there steps to these things?’ Her fingers twist beneath his shirt to his skin, even as she asks. Seems she’s also having the brain-against-body fight tonight.

‘Flings?’ he asks.


‘Not really. They’re normally pretty truncated.’ He pushes her hair behind her ear so he can run his fingers over the curve of it and down the side of her neck. Her pulse trips beneath his fingers. He’s definitely kissing her here.

She licks her lips. ‘So you’ve done this—had a fling—before.’

‘Yeah. You?’ He runs his thumb under her jaw from ear to chin, then up to rest it below her kissable lips.

‘No. Actually, yes. Once.’ Her skin flushes pink. ‘At a wedding. It was … not something I thought I’d be interested in doing again.’

Cameron lifts his thumb off. ‘But you’re interested now?’

Her eyes burn as they look into his. ‘Very.’

Cameron’s lips curve into a smile and he traces her parted lips with his thumb. He leans in, ready to pull her plush lower lip into his mouth and finally know what she tastes like when Jules covers his mouth with her hand.

He freezes. ‘I get the strong sense you’re having second thoughts.’ It comes out muffled behind Jules’s palm.

‘No. No. I am so on board.’

He lifts his eyebrows.

‘I am! I am. If you slip your hand into my undies you’d feel how wet I am already.’

Cameron groans and drops his forehead to press against hers. ‘Christ.’

Jules’s hand slips off his mouth. ‘Crap. Didn’t mean to say that last part out loud.’

‘Hey, I do not mind.’ He grips her face between his hands, probably too tight but he’s desperate to kiss her yet knows in his gut he needs to let her make that final step. ‘It’s fucking hot.’

‘I’m not having second thoughts, I’m just nervous and overthinking. And how am I the one overthinking this? You’re the person who printed off multiple copies of the schedule, yet you’re cool as a cucumber.’ Jules groans, but not in the sexy way. ‘And I’m saying things like ‘cool as a cucumber’.’

Cameron laughs. ‘Stop thinking so much.’

‘Ha ha.’ Her eyeroll makes Cameron smile. ‘You know it doesn’t work like that.’

‘Maybe if you actually let me kiss you it will put you at ease.’

Jules’s eyes narrow. ‘I’m not sure ‘at ease’ is going to be the effect.’

He hopes not. He was hoping for something more electric. He’s half-hard already, eager for this to start properly. The fling is something Jules wanted, but he’s not going to rush it if she needs a moment to come on board with his impromptu offer.

‘We have been flirting, by the way. I’m offended you didn’t notice.’ He says it lightly, making sure she knows it’s a tease.

‘We have?’ Jules winces. ‘Sorry. I’m rustier than I thought I’d be. It’s—’