Page 16 of Four Night Stand

‘Ah.’ Cameron shuffles on his feet, thrusting his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. ‘I have plans already.’

‘Oh. Okay. That’s totally cool,’ Jules says in what she hopes is a breezy voice, even though she’s failed step one. Again.

‘Maybe another day?’ Cameron offers. For the sake of the ache in her chest, Jules hopes it’s legitimate and not merely a soft let-down thing.

‘Nonsense. She’s very welcome.’ A woman’s voice sounds from behind her.

Jules spins once more to the doorway to see a tall woman walking through. Jealousy licks at Jules’s heels as the woman strides with confidence into the room, toned arms on display in a thick singlet-strapped top over high-waisted slacks. Then Jules realises her hair is the exact shade and thickness of Cameron’s, her eyes that same caramel colour. This must be one of the sisters, though she can’t pick if she’s older or younger.

‘Hi.’ The woman shoots her a smile as she heads for Cameron to wrap him in a big hug and ruffle his hair.

Jules smothers a laugh. Must be the older sister. Her brother has done the same with her countless times.

‘Cam.’ The woman pushes back and looks him over. ‘Nice to see you back in the home city.’

‘Thanks, Carrie.’

Cameron extricates himself and pats down his hair. A good move for Jules’s sanity since the ruffling had turned his hair from styled, to I-just-had-really-great-sex-and-I’m-not-afraid-to-show-it. Her insides are still bubbling away, like a pot of water on simmer. One good flame could spur it back to boiling and then who knows what she’ll do. Possibly blurt something inappropriate—again—or stare at Cameron’s crotch for too long. The jeans are tight enough there’s a potential she might see something.

‘This is my sister, Carrie,’ Cameron gestures between them. ‘Carrie, this is Jules.’

Carrie rounds back to look at Jules. ‘Hello, Jules.’

‘Hi. Nice to meet you, Carrie.’ Jules holds her hands behind her back and smiles politely. It’s never too early to make a good impression on the family.

Carrie’s gaze goes between Cameron and Jules, a strange look on her face like she’s thinking hard. ‘You’re more than welcome to join us,’ Carrie says eventually. ‘Any friend of Cam’s is welcome.’

Jules looks to Cameron to gauge whether he’s amenable to Carrie’s suggestion. He doesn’t look like he’s projecting a ‘no’ vibe, but he also has a little crease between his eyebrows that makes Jules shift on her feet. She wants to get to know him more, but she doesn’t want to intrude on his family time.

Carrie looks between them again. ‘Can I tempt you with some intel into the working of Cameron’s brain and the first round of drinks on me?’

‘Carrie,’ Cameron says, shooting his sister a look.

‘Come on, Cam.’

There’s some non-verbal sibling communication that goes on for a few seconds, before Cameron steps past his sister and stands in front of Jules. ‘You’re welcome to join.’

Jules stares into his caramel eyes but the little smile on his face makes it seem he’s not saying it only out of politeness.

Cameron’s invitation combined with the promise of more personal stories about the man is too tempting to turn down. Plus, with his sisters there as chaperones, she’s far less likely to go blurting out inappropriate sexual fantasies. Who knows, maybe she’ll finally adequately manage an entire conversation with him.

‘Alright. I’d love to.’

Carrie grins as she strides past the pair. ‘Fantastic.’


They end up in a restaurant on the twelfth floor of a building overlooking the water at Darling Harbour. It looks schmick and makes Jules re-tuck the t-shirt she’s wearing into the band of her knee-length skater skirt, the same outfit she’s been in since this morning. Thank goodness she took the time to freshen up a little before striding into Cameron’s room. She still feels underdressed beside Cameron in his button-up shirt and with Carrie now sporting a blazer over her singlet.

‘Are you alright?’ Cameron asks softly, leaning down closer to Jules, his voice sending shivers along her arm.

Her nod is shaky. ‘This just feels a lot like meeting the family.’

‘You are meeting my family,’ Cameron points out as they follow Carrie and the maître de through the restaurant.

‘I know that. But like, I feel like I’m psyching up for an interrogation.’

‘You’ll be fine. You’re great at talking to people.’