Page 80 of Four Night Stand

They stay linked, coming down together, Cameron pressing soft kisses to her heated skin until reality starts licking at the edges of the dreamscape.

‘Are you going to get up and do your speech now?’ Jules asks.

‘I don’t think I can move. That was … intense.’

Jules’s heart flutters. ‘I thought so too.’

He does move enough to deal with the condom, but he falls straight back into bed and up against Jules’s cooling body, facing her.

‘You don’t need one last run-through?’ Jules checks. He’d been so worried earlier.

‘I’ll find you in the audience and you’ll give me confidence.’

‘Okay.’ Trusting Cameron is being honest, Jules’s body melts into the mattress, indulging while she can. ‘I should go. Leave you to sleep.’

Cameron’s arm tightens around her waist. ‘It’s after midnight. Stay.’

A fist grips her heart and squeezes. ‘Are you sure?’

He presses a light kiss to her shoulder and smooths hair off her face. ‘Very.’

Jules relaxes into the bed, rolling onto her side and letting Cameron pull her close until her back is pressed against his front. He slips a foot in between hers and tangles their legs together.

Cameron kisses her shoulder again and splays his hand out over her stomach. ‘Thank you for listening tonight.’

‘Any time,’ she replies, meaning it from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

Jules lays her hand over his and lets his warmth loosen her limbs. That aching part inside her doesn’t strain so much anymore. Tonight Cameron opened up to her about his past and his emotions, and the sex … It was different from how it’s been before. Less driven by need and more by want. Less libido and more tenderness. The way he’d looked at her while they moved together, that wasn’t the expression of a man who doesn’t have feelings for her.

She falls asleep with a smile on her face and hope inside her heart that tomorrow, when she tells him she’s got feelings for him, that she wants to date him properly, he’ll say the same back to her.

Chapter 23

Cameron’s alarm goes off at 6 am. A female groan sounds from the sleep-soft body curled against his front. He smiles and buries his face in Jules’s hair, inhaling the fruity scent of her shampoo. It’s been ages since he’s had the pleasure of waking up with a woman, and this isn’t any woman. It’s Jules.

He spreads his hand out over her belly, revelling in the warmth that moves through his limbs. It’s dangerous to indulge but he hasn’t got the energy or the want to squash the feelings down, that sunny whirlwind pulsing through his body like it had at dinner last night. The conference ends tomorrow. He’s only got one more day to be with Jules like this. Why not indulge, when the simple act of waking up with a woman he likes is enough to buoy him toward the sky. He’ll take any luck he can get today for his presentation.

The moment is broken by his alarm getting louder. Jules groans and rolls her head to squint blearily at him. Her voice is rough with sleep when she says, ‘What the hell time is this?’

‘Six in the morning.’

Jules groans again and Cameron laughs quietly, pressing a kiss to her bare shoulder. ‘I’m going to the gym. Go back to sleep.’

‘With pleasure, you monster.’

Cameron sweeps the hair off her face to kiss her cheek before climbing out of bed and changing into his gym clothes. He catches Jules staring at him from one opened eye.

‘I thought you were going back to sleep.’

‘Couldn’t resist catching a look.’

‘You’ve seen me naked several times this week.’

‘And I love it every time.’

The white sheet drapes tantalisingly over Jules’s curves. Her bare knee and lower leg poking out from beneath the covers calls to him, but he finishes dressing instead, promising himself he’ll kiss his way up the limb, and a little higher, after his presentation.

He brushes a kiss to her forehead before heading for the door, closing it softly on his way out.