Page 61 of Four Night Stand

‘How about whistling?’


Cameron laughs and releases her hands. ‘Fine.’

He crosses his arms beneath his head and stares at the ceiling. Jules travels her gaze down his lithe body. The defined chest, the trail of hair leading down from his belly button, those thick thighs she was bracing her hands on not so long ago.

She exhales. This is like a dream. A beautiful, erotic fantasy.

‘And yes, by the way.’ Cameron rolls his head her way with a dopey smile on his face, dimples pressing into his cheek.

‘Yes what?’

‘I’d say that qualifies as an afternoon delight.’


‘But I’ve also got some meringues for you that I grabbed this morning, if you want that kind of afternoon delight. They’re over on the desk.’

Jules’s stomach trembles happily. He remembered from their car ride that she loves meringues. ‘Maybe later. I’m too blissed out right now.’

She shuffles closer to Cameron, snuggling into his side and throwing her right arm over his torso.

He manoeuvres his arm from beneath his head and starts running it lightly up and down her bare back. She smiles and leans in to kiss him softly, all the fizzling, frantic sexual fervour of earlier dissipated. Satisfied thoroughly. Like she’s gotten through the hot, smoky outside of a well-toasted marshmallow, and now she’s in that soft gooey centre.

She hums against Cameron’s lips, enjoying kissing him for the sake of kissing him.

‘I’ve never had afternoon sex before,’ she ends up confessing into the blissful quiet, lulled into exposing her own squishy bits by her post-orgasm bliss haze and being surrounded by his arms.

Cameron’s fingers still on her back and Jules’s heart starts beating fast and unsteady. Shit. Why’d she have to say that? Way to make herself alluring.

‘Really?’ Cameron sounds surprised, which helps rehabilitate her ego somewhat. His fingers resume tracing over her back, which helps too.


‘I’m honoured to have been your first.’

Jules pushes onto her elbow, grabbing at the opening for a joke. ‘Don’t get cave-manish on me.’

Cameron beats his chest and thrusts his chin out.

Jules drops her head to her chest and laughs. ‘Holy shit. Even that, even that I find appealing.’

Cameron looks bemused, eyebrows drawing together, but says, ‘If you want me to dress up in a loincloth, I’ll do it.’

It’s not a bad mental picture at all. ‘I think we’ll table that for now.’

‘Probably for the best. I don’t know where I’d source a loincloth in the next few days.’

The reminder of their impending deadline drops an ice cube into Jules’s chest. Two more nights here, and then it’s back to Canberra and the office and the way things were.

Jules lays back down, pillowing her head on Cameron’s arm and committing to memory the feeling of his fingers on her back. As her heartrate calms, the ache at her centre pulses for attention. It’s flipped between satisfied and needy over the past few days, these quiet moments with Cameron taking the edge off momentarily before the ache starts again. She doesn’t have the new turn-a-fling-into-a-relationship list yet, but relishing in the fling isn’t enough anymore.

She told her friends from the start she’s not a fling person. She needs the emotional side, too, and she’s grown restless waiting.

That’s always been her move. Waiting. Maintaining the status quo and watching things around her move, hoping the ripples aren’t enough to dislodge her from her place, holding on tightly to the things closest to her so they form a buffer against the shifting world. But with Cameron, waiting won’t work.

When they get back to Canberra, they won’t have nearly as much time together. They were literally never in the same room before, though some of that can be attributed to her being content to keep his identity an enigma. But she wants this, so she has to take every moment.