Page 53 of Four Night Stand

‘Cameron. What’re you doing here?’

Her gaze skates over his damp hair and down his body, heat flaring in her eyes. She’s clearly braless because he can see her nipples poking at the fabric like they were the other morning too. Taunting him.

Ignoring his heated blood, he says, ‘I’m here to help with your presentation, remember.’

‘I remember.’ She smiles and his gut does a happy tremor. ‘I meant, like, here at my room. I thought we’d meet at the breakfast buffet again.’

‘Breakfast.’ He lifts the bags with the croissants and banana bread. The meringue is sitting in his room for after her presentation. ‘And coffee, of course. The more important part.’

Jules laughs, eyes locking onto the coffees. ‘You better come in then.’


Cameron slides past her, getting a whiff of her fruity shampoo.

‘I grabbed the coffees on the way back from my run,’ Cameron says, dropping them in the kitchenette. ‘So you may want to top them up with hot water.’

Jules takes the kettle into the bathroom to fill it with water, and Cameron takes a second to look around her room. The bed is a mess, and there’s more pillows on the floor than on furniture. There’s an e-reader sitting on the side table next to a glass of water and her phone is plugged in and charging. He smiles. She’s managed to make the lifeless room feel like her space.

Not that Cameron knows what her actual space looks like. Not that he will.

Ignoring the pang in his chest, he turns around as he hears Jules opening the takeaway bags.

‘Croissants and banana bread,’ he says. ‘I figured a little sweetness wouldn’t go amiss.’

‘Good choices.’ Jules grins at him, pulling a croissant out and tearing an edge off before popping the pastry into her mouth.

Cameron sits on the chair closest to the kitchenette, pulling his phone from his pocket and placing it on the table before pushing aside conference papers and Jules’s laptop to make room. He opens the bag with the banana bread and cuts it neatly in half since he only bought the one slice, then transfers half of it onto a napkin and slides it across to Jules.

She smiles at him and he smiles back and it all feels normal. Which is odd. He rarely eats pastries for breakfast, his hair is still damp and his shirt is sticking to his back, and she’s in pyjamas and hasn’t brushed her hair. They’re in a hotel he’s never been to before, in a city that used to be home and still feels like it. Yet he’s certain he could sit across from Jules at this table for hours and be content.

‘Should we get started while we eat?’ he suggests, not wanting to get too comfortable in the moment.

Jules shakes her head, gesturing at her croissant. ‘Breakfast first. I’m still waking up.’

The kettle boils and Jules goes to top up the coffees. Cameron watches her walk past. He’s a fan of her sleep shorts. They end just below her butt, leaving her long legs on display, which he runs his gaze over, recalling them wrapped around his hips the other night. Why hasn’t he taken his time kissing up them yet? He needs to fit that in before the conference is done.

‘I can’t believe you’ve already been out,’ Jules says as she returns to the table with the coffees. ‘It’s barely past seven.’

‘It was a nice morning.’

‘I had a nice morning, too. Sleeping. In bed.’

Cameron glances over at the unmade bed. It’s easy to picture Jules spread out across the covers. To picture kissing up those bare legs, sliding her shirt up over her stomach, kissing the valley between her breasts, licking—

‘Which is the one that won’t rot my teeth?’

He tears his gaze from the bed to see Jules smiling teasingly at him. He wants to bite those lips, then nibble some other places, too.

‘Haha,’ he rolls his eyes. ‘The one on your left.’

She grabs her coffee, takes a sip, then sighs happily. ‘Coffee.’

Cameron shakes his head at her but his chest is warm.

He looks away, taking in the rest of the room. ‘Holy shit.’
