Page 19 of Four Night Stand

But he can sure as hell delay it.

Yes, Jules is wonderful and he likes how he feels around her, but that’s it. He won’t give history a chance to repeat by dating someone else he works with.

He rounds the corner to the bathrooms and slams into someone. His hands wrap around their arms and only when they’re steady and he’s staring into their summer-sky blue eyes does he register he’s clutching Jules.

His breath catches. ‘Oh, hey. Jules. Sorry.’

Her skin feels soft and warm beneath his hands.

‘That’s alright. Thanks for catching me. Falling on my ass would have been one too many embarrassments in front of you today.’


‘You know the … the … the car ride stuff.’ Her gaze darts around, avoiding his face, catching on the hollow of his throat. She gulps, then mumbles, ‘And mentioning my, uh, reading proclivities.’

Oh yeah, that. His hands heat. Jules. Erotic romance. It’s quite a combo. ‘Seriously, don’t worry. I’m not going to judge how you fill your spare time. I go through several paint-by-numbers every month.’

‘You do?’

Shit. He didn’t mean to bring that nerdy hobby up, but Jules looks less embarrassed now that he has, so it’s a win. ‘Really.’

Jules laughs softly. ‘Thanks.’

Her gaze settles on his face and her pupils expand across the blue of her eyes. The lighting in this alcove is dim. It’s kind of … intimate, hidden away from the restaurant’s patrons.

He hears her breathe in and feels her shift in his arms.

Crap. He’s still touching her.

‘Sorry. Sorry.’ He pulls his hands away and runs one through his hair, trying to forget the feel of her skin. ‘Um. How are you coping with lunch? I know you were nervous before.’

‘I was, yeah, but … I’m enjoying myself.’ Her hand comes up to cover her arm where his had been a moment ago. ‘It’s nice seeing you around your sisters. You obviously have a good relationship.’

‘Yeah, I’m lucky in that way. I know a lot of people who don’t get along with their families. But I’ve missed them. Didn’t realise how much.’

She nods. ‘I can hear it.’

‘Don’t you mean see it?’

‘No. I can hear it in your voice. You sound relaxed.’

Cameron isn’t sure what to make of the fact she can hear his emotions in his voice. ‘Probably because whenever we’ve talked on the phone before I’ve been in the middle of a tech crisis.’

‘That’s true.’ She laughs, then sighs. ‘Well now I feel bad about intruding on your family lunch. I know Carrie kind of sprung the invite on you.’

‘You’re not intruding. I wanted you here, too.’

Her eyes narrow. ‘Really?’

‘I’ve … It’s nice chatting with you outside work. Being able to see your face when you talk.’

Christ, he’s leaning in again. At least his sisters aren’t around to hear it.

Might be worth it though, because Jules smiles at him and says, ‘I think so too.’

The clenching in his chest happens again.
