Page 12 of Four Night Stand

‘There’s coffee.’ Cameron takes the cup from Jules and brings it to his own lips.

Jules gulps as he drinks. Far out, how can drinking a hot beverage be sexy? First, lifting her luggage into the car, then drinking a coffee. What’s next? He’ll blow his nose and she’ll go weak at the knees? Ridiculous.

He returns the cup to the holder and shoots her a quick, one-dimpled smile. ‘There’s also caramel and hazelnut syrup.’

‘Do you—’ She pulls her gaze from his mouth and bumps the air-con temperature down a notch. ‘Do you have a sweet tooth?’

‘Massively. I go through about two blocks of chocolate every week.’

‘Two blocks!’ Jules files the fact away with glee.

‘You sound scandalised. I bet you’ve got your own guilty food pleasure.’

‘Meringue. And marshmallows. Oh, speaking of.’ Jules pulls her handbag onto her lap and digs through it for the brown paper bag Tori thrust at her last night. ‘Chocolate shortbread?’

‘You brought snacks?’

‘It’s a three-hour car ride. Of course I did. Want some?’

He laughs. ‘Sure. Can you—’ He drops his jaw and holds his mouth open.

Oh. He wants her to feed it to him.

She breaks off a section of biscuit and slowly lifts it to his waiting mouth, holding her breath. Her fingers graze his lips and tingles shoot up her arm to her heart, which somersaults in her chest.

‘Thanks,’ he says.

Jules swallows, shocked by the intensity of her body’s reaction. Her arm is still tingling. If they ever do anything physical like she’s fantasised, she may combust.

‘It’s good,’ he says after swallowing. ‘You make it?’

‘No way. I can’t bake. One of my housemates, Tori, did. The kitchen is like her Zen space, so there’s always food around.’

‘Sounds like a good arrangement.’

‘Yeah, it is.’

Cameron leans in his seat and opens his mouth for Jules to slip some more shortbread into. No contact this time. Jules doesn’t need to give herself a heart attack by sparking any more cardio gymnastics.

‘So we’re both sweet tooths,’ Cameron says, ‘hated by dentists all over the world.’

‘Gosh, I hope not. Dad’s a dentist.’

‘Did he let you eat sugary stuff when you were young?’

‘I see where you’re going with this,’ she says, returning the shortbread to her handbag. ‘And yes, he did. It’s mum that was always wary of sugary foods.’

‘She also a dentist?’

‘No way. She hates going to the dentist, which dad is always teasing her about. She just didn’t think kids should consume heaps of sugar.’ Jules gestures to the stereo. ‘She works in radio, actually.’

‘Ah.’ Cameron nods slowly and his now-dry hair fans over his forehead. He brushes it back and Jules’s insides goop like a lava lamp. ‘Makes sense.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Your encyclopaedic knowledge of 80s music. Had to come from somewhere. You’re too young to have actually been around in the 80s.’

‘Yeah. I’m a 90s kid.’ Jules shoves her handbag back at her feet. ‘Encyclopaedic is taking it a bit far, though.’